The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2)

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The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2) audiobook free

Both books in this series were enjoyable, but I was surprised with the cliff hangers in both The Bastard (book 1) and this next installment. This was Not announced here in the description nor the author\’s website. I now find Book 3, The Empire, is listed as a short – 16 pages. This is the equivalent of a chapter or epilogue. My rating for this book has been impacted by this scheme. I feel cheated by this author. If the last book was $.99 I would deal with it, but $4.99 for 16 pages is the same price for each of the first 2 full length novels. That is ridiculous. The author isn\’t anywhere near as talented as her Predecessors. I cant imagine any ebook publisher would pull a pricing stunt like this. This book isn\’t done and I will not spend another dime to read the finish. Neither the first in this series nor this book is worth swallowing the feeling of being cheated. Ms. Jones, you lost an autobuy reader. This is a really lousy way to keep your readership.


Review #2

The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2) audiobook streamming online

Why did I pay $5 for a book where there is not much of a plot? So many lies and secrets and nothing gets resolved. Harper was extremely irritating. What\’s up with Eric saying no condoms..but I\’m the next breath they need to use condoms? They\’re both bipolar. I enjoyed the first book hence the reason for purchasing this one. But this book was awful and disappointing.


Review #3

Audiobook The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2) by Lisa Renee Jones

This is the second book in the trilogy; you need to have read the first instalment The bastard. Eric cant believe what Isaac has told him. He is furious with Harper. Leaving her, he realises he has just played into Isaacs\’ hands and he knows that Harper would never deliberately hurt him, and he should trust her. Eric goes back for her and lands ups saving her life. Desperate to protect her, he takes her back to NY with him. There they try to solve the code. They try to shut out the rest of the family, but his father decides he has other plans. What is actually at play here and who is trying to kill whom? What do the codes mean and who is trying to warn them? While the story has a very vague plotline, it just seems to drag on. As for Eric and Harper, they want to trust one another but then they both are holding back secrets. And everything seems to just be going in circles. This story just became boring, extremely repetitive with nothing that really moved us forward. I am hoping that book three will finally have some excitement in it. My personal feeling is that this series would have been better as a duet instead of a trilogy, there just seems to be so much unnecessary filler in this book. I am disappointed in this book, but I still want to have the answers, so I will read book 3.


Review #4

Audio The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2) narrated by Erin Mallon Jason Clarke

THE PRINCESS by Lisa Renee Jones, is the second in what has become a trilogy (Filthy Trilogy) instead of a duet in the next part of the Dirty Rich series. More books, more to read, more to love!! What more could you ask for? Warning!! These books are NOT standalones, so dont even try to read them as such, lol. Part one, The Bastard, ended in a massive cliffhanger and the wait to find out what happened next was excruciating to say the least. But, in true Lisa style, what came next was not what I had imagined. Its better, absolutely, amazing and brilliant. I loved getting to grips with the storyline, with Harper and Eric searching for answers, seeing the Walker brothers again and being allowed the little glimpses into the lives of Grayson and Mia too. This book is full of twists and turns though and its hard to see which way is up. Now, we have to wait AGAIN, for book three The Empire to get the conclusion to this dramatic, heart-racing story. I dont know about you but Im ready for it RIGHT NOW, Lisa. Gimmmeee, gimmeee!!!


Review #5

Free audio The Princess (Filthy Trilogy #2) – in the audio player below

The Princess picks up right where book one left off and we are taken on another crazy ride with bumps all along the way. Eric and Harper are still trying to deal with the truths that came to light previously, while dealing with the hired guns that tried to take out Harper, and everything else that seems to be going on. Now in New York, you\’d think they\’d be safe, but they only seem to be in more trouble, and more plot twists are delivered in this book. I loved all of the twists and turns in this book, and the secrets that came to light, and the hidden truths that seem to still be buried between these two characters, but I wasn\’t a fan of Eric and Harper always seeming to have to rehash everything that they already talked about over and over again. I felt like it took away from the plot moving forward in this book. Towards the end of this book though, things got really good, and I was kicking myself knowing that I was going to have to wait to to see how this series played out, since Lisa Renee Jones is known for cliffhangers, and this is a trilogy… so I knew I was going to be hit hard with a cliffhanger, and I was right. Now I need The Empire to release ASAP so I can see how Harper and Eric\’s story ends, and what all of these secrets are, and if there\’s anything else they are keeping from one another.


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