Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga #5) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga #5) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga #5) audiobook free
If you like Twilight, youll like Midnight Sun just like if you liked Fifty Shades of Grey, you will like Grey. Already criticizing her writing over every minute detail is ludicrous! I remember when Midnight Sun was leaked and she decided to just release the draft for all of us, vowing to never complete the book, I found myself signing every petition to beg her to finish the book because I loved the draft! It was funny and entertaining and basically showed us Edward point of view. Twilight flipped. Give it a chance before writing your own book about why YOU in particular dont like it because its Stephanie Meyer and YOU dont like that genre of books. Why buy it to leave negative reviews if its not even the genre of books you like??
Review #2
Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga #5) audiobook in series The Twilight Saga
It\’s no exaggeration to say that Edward Cullen is one of my least favorite male characters of all time. The only reason he does not sit atop the throne is… well, Christian Grey and Massimo Torricelli exist. And after many years of refusing to do so, Stephenie Meyer has finally given the wangsty, unintimidating vampire his very own novel, \”Midnight Sun,\” which retells the entire story of her debut novel \”Twilight\” from Edward\’s perspective. That sounds a lot more appealing than it is, once you realize that we then have to spend hundreds of pages in the head of a whiny, socially-inept misogynist who complains about everything. In case you missed the media storm some years ago, Edward Cullen is a sparkly vampire who dwells in the town of Forks, Washington. He can read minds. He hates school, and he pretty much hates everyone around him, especially the women. But then once day the author\’s self-insert, Bella Swan, stumbles into school and immediately entrances him with her delicious body odor. So he immediately wants to kill her, along with dozens of other innocent people. Swoon. Dream man. And since Bella\’s mind is unreadable, he begins obsessing over her, and decides that she is a selfless saint who is superior to all the common sheep. However, after he saves her from a freak car accident, Bella realizes that there\’s something weird about him, which causes the Cullens to panic. But fear not! Stephenie Meyer will not mar her book with suspense, so Alice just blurts out that Bella is going to be her best friend and Edward\’s soulmate, so everybody just calms down. Of course, Edward can\’t keep away from the universally irresistible girl who looks suspiciously like the author, and after creeping into her room for several weeks, he saves her from potential gang-rape and they start dating. Eventually the plot rears its ugly head, and some hostile vampires show up to kill Bella, which means Edward has to actually do something other than complain about how much other people suck and how tortured and evil he is. Is \”Midnight Sun\” any good? Well, that depends on how you feel about the Twilight Saga as a whole. If you\’re a fan of the previous books, you\’ll probably love another fat tome of PG-rated vampire romance, in which all the characters talk like middle-aged women. If you find the books to be torture, then this book will probably make you want to set fire to an orphanage filled with puppies. Sadly, Stephenie Meyer\’s writing has not improved in quality over the last fifteen years she still writes flowery, breathless, rambling prose that endlessly covers stuff that isnt very interesting. And, of course, she talks endlessly about Bellas soft perfection and how all men want her, and all women want Edward despite his complete lack of basic social skills. Furthermore, its incredibly melodramatic in a way that invokes more laughter than thrills, such as Edward rolling around on the floor of a hospital chapel. \”Midnight Sun\” also completely destroys Edward\’s entire image as a brooding Byronic jerk — it\’s hard to see him as a smooth, elegant predator when he spends the entire book throwing tantrums and complaining about everything. He\’s whiny, selfish, melodramatic, boring, has contempt for everyone around him… and oh, he\’s also a raging misogynist who hates any woman who isn\’t a soft-spoken doormat. Whats more, the combination of his homicidal impulses (which are very sexualized) and his complete lack of any normal social skills… well, it makes him seem like a guy who would have been a school shooter if he hadnt become a vampire instead. He also reinforces that Meyer does not know how to write male characters his internal thoughts sound more like a middle-aged woman than a teen boy of any era (I love you too much, for your good or mine). Of course, the actual teen conversations are pretty heinous in general, such as a lolz hes such a nerd conversation about Comic-Con that reeks of How do you do, fellow kids? Just dont talk about geeky stuff, Meyer. If you have enjoyed Meyer\’s other books, you\’ll probably enjoy this one too. But if you didn\’t, Meyer has not improved — \”Midnight Sun\” is every bit as bad as the books that precede it, with the added benefit of Edward\’s melodramatic foulness.
Review #3
Audiobook Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga #5) by Stephenie Meyer
You have to realize Edward wasnt the type of person to display his feelings. He was the one who kept to himself but was always respectful. Edward actually hated his vampire life until he met bella. People seem to forget of course the book is gonna be like the others. Its just in his point of view what did this citrical person think it was going to be about. No everyone get the book you will love it I swear. You get both views and you can dig deeper into Edwards feelinga since he never displayed them as much.
Review #4
Audio Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga #5) narrated by Jake Abel
Let me start out by saying I am not a Twilight fan/groupie. Yes i read the books, everyone was talking about them so I did to be part of the conversation. Yes, I have seen the movies on TV. the other day in fact. So that said I bought this for my Amazon Fire and read it last night just finishing it. I loved it. It is so different from Twilight in the fact that Stephanie has learned how to write. That\’s a good thing here because Edward\’s voice is different than Bella\’s, its more mature as it should be. If your worried it is the same thing that was leaked online years ago…your wrong. I began reading that when it was announced that she was releasing this and i remember moaning how awful it was while reading. I decided to take a chance on the book and WOW she hit it out of the park (as far as I am concerned.) I loved the fact that Edward can read his other vampire families minds and that two vampires members wanted to kill Bella after the whole parking lot car accident. What were the guys thinking when they cornered Bella in town that night Edward showed up? Its fun let me tell you…and we need that right now. There will be the haters out here but be assured you can laugh at them now. Stephanie has nailed it with this. Hats off to you Ms. Meyer, thanks for the good read. New reading order now…Twilight, Midnight Sun, New Moon…ect. Will add a new dimension to the remaining parts of the series.
Review #5
Free audio Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga #5) – in the audio player below
Been Waiting For This Sooooo Ready To Dive In !!!!!!! #TeamEdwardAlways