Alone at Dawn

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Alone at Dawn Audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Alone at Dawn audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Alone at Dawn audiobook free

Amazon’s AI suggested this book to me, highlighting it as a potential interest based on my previous purchases. Prior to this, I had no knowledge of the Air Force CCT or the red beret members within the Spec Ops community. My previous understanding of combat air support was mostly influenced by the Vietnam-era FAC, which involved pilots in lightweight aircraft. This book introduced me to the CCT operators, who are enlisted Air Force air traffic controllers working alongside Special Operations units. It delves into their intensive training (such as swimming underwater for 25 meters while instructors hinder you) and the extensive equipment they carry. I learned that their training is even more comprehensive today and I hope modern technology has made their combat gear lighter.

Interestingly, the detailed account of the battle that led to Chapman being awarded the MOH is reserved for the latter part of the book. There’s palpable criticism towards the SEALS who accompanied Chapman to Roberts Ridge, but it’s essential to approach this with a broader perspective. Every battlefield decision can be scrutinized later, and this has been the case since the dawn of human conflict.

This tale seems ripe for a film adaptation, perhaps by Hollywood or Netflix. Its narrative is arguably more uplifting than that of “Lone Survivor.” I rated it five stars, particularly impressed by the thorough description of the Air Force’s journey to upgrade Chapman’s medal to the MOH. This was thanks to the Air Force civilian Secretary at the time. The recounting of the funeral, the MOH ceremony featuring President Trump, and the subsequent Air Force memorial moved me profoundly. The real fight lies in ensuring our military heroes receive the honor they truly deserve.

Review #2

Alone at Dawn audiobook

I hadn’t come across CCTs in the realm of joint special operations. While I was familiar with FACs, primarily from Marine operations, the specialized USAF controllers were new to me. This narrative brings to light an awe-inspiring tale of valor, juxtaposed with moments of misjudgment and chaos, culminating in TSGT John Chapman’s gallant last stand, epitomizing MOH-worthy sacrifice. My father, MSGT Earl F Smith, showcased similar valor during the Korean War, confronting an enemy position and neutralizing it on his own amidst heavy machine gun fire. He survived and was honored with the Silver Star. Regrettably, many MOH recognitions are awarded posthumously. As an American, my heart swells with pride for these brave individuals who risk their lives, potentially facing danger every day. Blessings to them, and to their families, loved ones, and friends who bear the weight of their memories and sacrifices.

Review #3

Audiobook Alone at Dawn by Dan Schilling

Essential reading to gain insights into MOH recipient John Chapman and the closely-knit CCT Brotherhood. The book delves deep into the history, shedding light on the rigorous training and processes that make the CCT unit within the Air Force Special Operation such a formidable force on the battlefield.

Beyond Chapman’s heroic last stand, the book also chronicles other missions, revealing the exhaustive investigation that brought his story to light. Highly recommended!

Review #4

Audio Alone at Dawn narrated by Betsy Foldes Meiman

At last, the valiant deeds of soldiers in Afghanistan are seeing the light of day through publications. This book meticulously recounts the genuine tale, drawing from forensic evidence, firsthand accounts from both warring factions, and diverse communication and visual records. It paints a vivid picture of the bravery displayed by this FAC, leading to his well-deserved Medal of Honor, even as he sacrificed his life. This is a must-read.

Review #5

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Dieses Buch bietet eine beeindruckende und fesselnde Darstellung und Analyse der Funktion von Combat Controllern und insbesondere der heroischen Taten von John Chapman während einer Mission im März 2002 auf dem Takur Ghar während der Operation Anaconda.

Untermauert durch gründliche Recherchen, darunter eine Vielzahl von Originaldokumenten, Videoaufzeichnungen von Drohnen und Zeugenaussagen, entfaltet das Buch ein realitätsnahes Bild der dramatischen Vorfälle in den afghanischen Bergen.

Der Autor entwirft zu Beginn ein Verständnis für die Aufgaben von Combat Controllern im Kriegskontext, untermauert durch historische Beispiele aus Vietnam, Grenada, Panama und dem Golfkrieg von 1991. Durch John Chapmans Biographie wird dem Leser die rigorose Ausbildung dieser Eliteeinheiten nähergebracht, die auf Augenhöhe mit Einheiten wie Delta, SEALS und den Pararescue Jumpern stehen.

Zwei spezifische Missionen zu Beginn des Afghanistan-Einsatzes veranschaulichen die verheerenden Fähigkeiten, die ein Combat Controller gegenüber einem Gegner entfalten kann. Das Kernstück des Buches bildet jedoch die Operation Anaconda im Winter 2002. Der Autor nimmt uns mit durch die Planungsphasen, Infiltrationen und Kämpfe, mit einem besonderen Augenmerk auf die tragischen Geschehnisse am Takur Ghar.

Auch die Verantwortlichen für die Fehlschläge der Operation und die nachfolgende posthume Verleihung der Medal of Honor an John Chapman werden thematisiert.

Das Buch entfernt sich bewusst von politischen Debatten über den Afghanistan-Einsatz und konzentriert sich stattdessen auf die militärischen Aspekte und die besondere Rolle der Combat Controller. Für Interessierte an diesem Thema bietet es eine fesselnde und aufschlussreiche Lektüre über den Mut und die Kameradschaft der dort eingesetzten Soldaten.

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