Ashes to Ashes (Burn for Burn #3)

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Ashes to Ashes audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Ashes to Ashes audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Ashes to Ashes audiobook free

First, let me say that I liked the trilogy as a whole very much. This book, however, was my least favorite of the three — though not for the reasons I expected. At the end of “Fire with Fire,” I was a bit apprehensive after finding out that Mary was actually a ghost (as opposed to an anorexic with possible psychokinetic powers). However, it was handled very well for such a tricky twist. The problem I had was that the whole story seemed to be… compressed? Skimped? I was surprised when I noticed that the book was significantly shorter than “Fire with Fire” — not the usual pattern with a series — and as I was reading I noticed why. A lot of the issues that had been brought up, even emphasized, earlier in the trilogy had been dropped or ignored. The best example I can think of is that it seems to be a done deal that Lillia’s going to Boston College, whereas earlier in “Fire with Fire,” she and her dad have been arguing because he keeps trying to push her into going to all-women’s Wellesley. And there are many more. I supposed I feel a bit cheated. One thing I really did like — which some readers didn’t — was that there was no trite, tidy, happily-ever-after ending. Lillia and Reeve do not end up together. Kat does not end up at Oberlin. They take alternative (but perfectly good) paths.


Review #2

Ashes to Ashes audiobook in series Burn for Burn

I won\’t say any spoilers, but before you read this book, know that the tone is going to get pretty dark. Even if you loved the other books, like I did, that won\’t necessarily mean you\’ll love this one. If you are liking the series as it is now before this book, and aren\’t a fan of dark stuff, read another book. You won\’t find the closure you want. But if you don\’t mind it, then read the book. It is really thrilling, and it honestly keeps you on your toes. Although the ending was not satisfactory nor conclusive, the rest was fantastic. I was completely hooked. To finish my summary, if you are going to read this book, get ready for a gripping ever-changing plot, some pretty dark elements, and a very unsatisfactory ending. If you are reading this for a conclusion, please don\’t read it. You are going to be sorely disappointed. Sorry for the repetition, and I hoped this helped you all out!


Review #3

Audiobook Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han Siobhan Vivian

I enjoyed book 1 and 2, and parts of this book as well but seriously? Lillia and Alex, the 2 spoiled rich kids c\’mon people! No just no. Reeve ends up as a Towny? Everyone in Kat\’s life dies pretty much…Shep (they killed off the ? I hate that cliche), Her Mom was already dead and then her Dad dies too what the hell? Mary realizes that it was her own damn fault which was good but damn you\’ve already got ghosts and witch craft going on, couldn\’t you add a little bit of time travel? You know where Mary\’s life flashes before her eyes right before she kills herself and decides not to do it!? This last book made me want to write some fan fic so I can change the ending! ,????


Review #4

Audio Ashes to Ashes narrated by Joy Osmanski Madeleine Maby Rebekkah Ross

I enjoyed this series despite the fact that at times it was a little much on the high school queen bee drama. I love Lillia and Kat and I begin to love Reeve and despise Mary which is something I didn\’t expect at all. Spoilers below so beware. I really really began to love Reeve and I was rooting for him so when Lillia started falling for him I was so happy because Reeve is a great character and you can tell her really loves her. BUT. the ending of this book completely ruined the whole thing for me. I spent all this time getting to know Reeve and even switch to his team over Alex and then him and Lillia just never speak again?! and she ends up with Alex?! I mean really. After everything they went through for each other I could not believe theyre just done. He was willing to sacrifice his life for her. And we really got to know him throughout the book and how Mary commiting suicide affected him. I didn\’t feel like I really knew Alex at all. except that Kat loves him, so why not let them end up together?! I was so angry witht his ending, everything could have been tied up in a neat bow and ending perfectly. Instead Kat gets nothing she wants and Reeve is alone and Lillia is with Alex. What kind of crap is this?! I felt like as the reader I got nothing out of this that I expected or wanted.


Review #5

Free audio Ashes to Ashes – in the audio player below

I LOVED this series so much. However I must admit that the ending to this book was such a let down… it felt rushed and should’ve ended differently. I was hoping for so much more.


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