The Crow Brothers: Alpha Rock Stars Series audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Crow Brothers: Alpha Rock Stars Series audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Crow Brothers: Alpha Rock Stars Series audiobook free
Hmmmm, what to say. Each book is very different, but have the essential romance parts, including hawt sexy times! Jet & Hannahs story revolves around an unknown son by Hannahs cousin & Jet. Lots of family dynamics over custody with well written tertiary characters to fill out the story. How they fall in love is beautiful with so many small steps. A good glimpse into the question of who to be loyal to: blood relatives or friends who treat you like family (a no- brained to me, but Hannah shows the psychological reasons of why someone would choose an unhealthy relationship with blood) Tulsas romance echoes his personality- lots of fun! He & Nikki are well matched which is essential for longevity for them. Conflict centers more around the 3 band dynamics rather than themselves plus the age old, brother wont approve because hes a man whore. River & Stellas story is truly heartbreaking. Their history affects so much. This is the weakest book, IMO. I understand why Stella wouldnt listen to him 5 years ago, but to avoid it now seems immature and childish. How do you NOT listen to the love of your life when they break your heart? Why did it take sooooo long to have that conversation? I rarely complain about sexy times, but half of this book is one sex scene after another. Her situation with the debt is an interesting plot point, well conceived with the details. But again, why does the h have to do something so stupid when she has an army backing her? Last, Ridge (Dave) & Meadow. A lot of readers may not understand her reluctance to have a relationship because of the economical imbalance between them as well as her Need to prove herself. I perfectly understand as I made the same mistakes, without waking up in time. I cringed watching her continue to not truly trust. But its hard to trust when youve never had it in your life. It takes years of experience of being able to trust yourself and your ability to stand independently before you can trust someone to take care of you without repercussions. Again, I applaud the writing being so in tune with the thoughts and feelings of a real person experiencing this story and bringing it to life with words. Since I read the Resistance series first, it was nice to see the gang again and their individual influences on these brothers!
Review #2
The Crow Brothers: Alpha Rock Stars Series audiobook streamming online
I don\’t normally like rock star romance books but I loved these ones, all the Crows and their girls stories were amazing and very hard to put down when I had to work.
Review #3
Audiobook The Crow Brothers: Alpha Rock Stars Series by S.L. Scott
Spark – 4 stars If you are looking for a feel good, rock star read then Spark is just the ticket! Jet and his brothers are on the cusp of their big break when he gets the surprise of his life… Hannah hasnt had the smoothest couple of years when she comes home to be with her ill cousin. One night of fun changes everything. Jet is just an all around good guy who is impossible not to like. I loved how he was with his brothers, how he treated Hannah, and how he reacted the second he found out he had a son. Hes the definition of the type of guy youd want your sister or daughter to be with. Hannahs hot and cold bothered me a little at first, but the more I got to know her and her story I understood where she was coming from. Knowing that helped me understand her more. Excellent story telling takes us through Jet and Hannahs journey to go from somewhat adversarial to friends to lovers and beyond. One of my favorite parts of this story was the idea that family is what you make it. Another was that Ms Scott kept the conflict external to our budding family. I appreciate that conflict had them working together, vs being at each others throats. Not only did I love Jet and Hannah, I loved meeting The other Crow brothers and cant wait to see their stories. Tulsa – 4.5 Stars I don\’t know where to start with telling you about Tulsa. Tulsa is the second of the Crow brothers to get a book and it\’s truly a love story that wraps the reader up and won\’t let go. Ms. Scott creates fantastic characters in Tulsa, Nikki, and the rest of their band mates and friends. I truly enjoyed watching the resident \”bad boy\” change his ways as he and Nikki met and began becoming friends then more. Not everything for Nikki and Tulsa is sunshine and roses, but most of the conflict and angst is external to their relationship. How they dealt with those issues just made me like them that much more. While this is a stand alone effort, it is strongly connected to the previous book Spark. Having read the previous book adds significantly to the enjoyment of this book by letting the reader have the full back story. S.L Scott is a newer to me author (meaning she already had a bunch of books published before I found her) and everything I read has me wanting to read more. I am definitely looking forward to the third of the Crow brother\’s books. Rivers – 4.5 Stars Oh my heart! I have loved each of the Crow Brothers books, but I think Rivers\’ might be my favorite. Its definitely the most emotional of the three books. As the third book in the series, weve gotten to know Rivers and understood that there was something lurking for him. I was nice to see him face that head on and see the truly genuine heart he was hiding. I loved Stella as a heroine even when my heart hurt for what she was going through. Well written, this is a fantastic balance between romance, intrigue, family, and forgiveness. There are glimpses of Jet and Tulsa (and their other halves), but this is 100% Rivers and Stellas story. The additional back story from the other books is helpful, but this could be read as a standalone. I truly appreciate how Ms Scott has crafted this book. Not only does she give glimpses of prior characters, we get to see future leads as well without it detracting from this story – that is an art she has mastered. As much as I think Rivers might be my favorite, Im really glad we get one more visit with the brothers when Ridges book comes out! Ridge – 4 stars Oh wow…. I have truly enjoyed the Crow Brothers books from the very beginning and Ridge is no exception. This is the Fourth book in the series and while it is a stand-alone, Im going to tell you from the beginning that it works better if you read the series in order. The secondary cast here is integral to the story; not understanding who they are and the connections would diminish Ridge and Willows story (in my opinion). Dave/Ridge and Meadow are both fantastic characters. Given their life experience, it is sometimes easy to forget that they are 21 and 26 through most of the story. Ms. Scott impressed me with how she crafted these complex and compelling people who were trying to figure out so many different parts of their lives. The story and the push/pull that happens between them is also very well done. Ms Scott makes it easy to see where the characters are and why they have the positions they do without making things feel redundant or as if anyone is being whiny. The focus of this story is Dave (and his stage persona Ridge) and Willow (a secondary character met previously), but this book also serves as an excellent opportunity to catch up with the other Crow bothers. They way everyone is woven in feels organic and the whole thing flows together nicely.