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Decisive Audiobook

Decisive is a book on business and careers. This nonfictional book is written by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. Both the authors, Chip heath and Dan Heath are real brothers and coauthor of multiple books. They have given four bestsellers together in New York Times in business and career domains where one of them is The Power of Moments. Another bestseller in the same domain is Made to Stick.

Kaleo Griffith narrated this book and it was done quite wonderfully. You will enjoy every bit of it. You will be able to grasp such powerful content of this book in such soothing and easy to understand tone.


Research in the field of psychology has shown that all of our decisions are disrupted by a wide array of irrationalities and biases. We all at times are overconfident. We look for specific information which could aid us and perhaps downplay some of the information which doesn’t help us. The short term emotions can be very distracting.

When it is all about making choices then it looks like that our brains are nothing but some sort of flawed instruments. Unfortunately, just having little bit of awareness about these issues wouldn’t fix things at all. The real question to think here is that how we could do something better in such situations. This is exactly what the heath brothers are helping us with in this book.

Free Audiobook Decisive

Decisive is the most critical and powerful book by the Heath brothers. It offer readers with practical tools and very fresh strategies that would allow us to make much better choices in our lives. It is because the right decision at the right time makes all the difference.

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