Deranged (Jessie Cole #3)

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Deranged (Jessie Cole #3) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Deranged (Jessie Cole #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Deranged (Jessie Cole #3) audiobook free

Deranged by T. R. Ragan This is the third book of Jessie Cole Series. Even though this book was so well written and gives you details of the past events to make sure you catch up without feeling like you are wasting time re reading details. I highly recommend reading the first two so you don’t miss out anything because trust me every bit of information is essential to enjoy this fast pase triller. You will be constantly guessing who is who what’s coming next. Here we continue Jessie Cole’s journey to help Ben Morrison find out more about his life before the accident that gave him amnesia. His keeps getting flashbacks of gruesome events and he still afraid he might be of danger to his own family. While they keep investigating more about his past a new killer is menacing the city and they are all in the path of this serial killer. We will see more of Olivia( Jessie’s niece), Zee ( Jessie’s assistant) and Colin Grayson( FBI agent and Jessie’s boyfriend). The only reason this wasn’t a 5 stars was the fact that I was expecting more answers in regards of Ben’s story. I guess T. R. wanted to keep us wanting more for next book. It totally work on me because I cannot wait to read the next installment on this series.


Review #2

Deranged (Jessie Cole #3) audiobook streamming online

This book basically picks up where the second one left off. Murder and mayhem. In this book we get the background without feeling like we are rereading the previous books. The most interesting part of this book is Ben\’s story. He is painted as a loving father and family man but we learn disturbing facts about him ad well. He most certainly has two sides in this book and for the first time I am questioning whether or not he is a psychopath or a decent man. God I hope he is a good man. I think I will literally die if he ends up being a psychopath who is a cold blooded murderer. I hope his story continues in the next book as it feels incomplete. Please TR Ragan don\’t make him out to be a cold blooded killer. I really like his character and am hoping against hope he ends up being a good guy. We see more of Colin in this book but not him and Jessie together. I was a bit disappointed in that but hopefully they will get their time together in the next book. I really hate how their relationship is always on the back burner. I know there was a murder investigation that was in full force but come on a little time with him and Jessie would have been nice to see. And of course there is Zee. I absolutely love her. I feel she is coming into her own. And there is an unexpected love brewing in the air for her that she is completely oblivious to. Hopefully we will get more on that untold story in the next book as well. This book is filled with so many possibilities yet there are still so many things that are incomplete. But I expect everything to be addressed in the upcoming book(s). This was a great book and I suggest that anyone who is looking for a great book then you should most definitely check this one out. However I do suggest reading it from the beginning that way you won\’t miss anything. Good job TR Ragan!!!


Review #3

Audiobook Deranged (Jessie Cole #3) by T.R. Ragan

This book picks up pretty much where book 2 left off, Jessie is helping Ben try to piece together his childhood so he can get some answers about his flashes of memory. There\’s also an infidelity case that Jessie takes on, and a murder investigation that Colin is investigating. All of these events become related over the course of the book. I wish there had been a bit more levity, it helps when the subject matter is so grim. Zee provided some, but her infidelity case got dark pretty fast. The ending did hint at a little romance for Zee, so I\’m excited to see where that story goes in the next book. Ben\’s case was by far the most interesting. There were definitely two sides to Ben in this book. He comes across as a man devoted to his family, and he mostly is that, but he showed his violent side too. And some of the stories that his neighbors/friends told from his childhood did not paint a good picture. I know he saved Jessie in book 1, but she\’s a little too trusting where Ben\’s concerned. I kept going back and forth on his character, and I hope his story continues in the next book, because it still feels unfinished. Jessie\’s niece Olivia got a little more story time in this book, she definitely has some of her aunt\’s toughness.


Review #4

Audio Deranged (Jessie Cole #3) narrated by Kate Rudd

\”Deranged,\” the third in the Jessie Cole series, has all the elements of a T.R. Ragan novel: evil dirtbag intent on killing for the sake of his own private sick satisfaction, a mystery within a mystery and some sordid connection to Jessie Cole. Ragan trolls the depths of depravity with her antagonists. They appall from beginning to their demise. I read these novels while seething, wanting the bad guys to taste their own medicine. Ragan creates smart villains. She knows the American public enjoys a good bad guy. Of course, she also knows the bad guy must get what\’s coming to him. And she doesn\’t disappoint. In \”Deranged,\” sidekick reporter Ben Morrison, who may also be a sick puppy but we don\’t know, learns more about his past through Jessie\’s investigation. Meanwhile, people start to die and Jessie finds herself in the middle of it. Who it is appears to know more than he should. Or more than should be possible. If Jessie survives, she won\’t emerge unscathed. I adore Ragan\’s writing. It sends me into a drain of depression occasionally trying to fathom that people can be this terrible. But Ragan usually sends redemption at some point. And then I breathe easier. For some reason I just thought of Rod Serling walking out of the fog to explain everything. Yeah, I messed with your head but here\’s why.


Review #5

Free audio Deranged (Jessie Cole #3) – in the audio player below

Book #3 with Jessie Cole and I\’m really enjoying this series. I\’m a fan of books in which we get to revisit with great characters and watch them evolve. Jessie and crew seem to find themselves in a heap a lot of trouble!!! This book is filled with action, unexpected twists / turns, murder, some violence, some new cases, a new evil character, but still not the closure I need…on to book #4! #Jessie #Olivia #Higgins #Zee #Colin #Ben #NextCasePlease


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