Flinx in Flux audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Flinx in Flux audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Flinx in Flux audiobook free
Book number five (in reading order) of a fifteen book space opera with psi series. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Del Rey in 1988 that I bought used since I cannot find my copy in my packed books and there is not a new copy available now. I will continue to read through the series. Flinx now has own FTL spaceship, the Teacher, built and given to him by the Ulru-Ujurrians. He and Pip have gone back to Alaspin to release her six minidrag children into the dangerous wilds of the planet. Doing so, one refuses to leave and stays with them. Returning to the village where they were staying, they come across a woman lying on the bank of a river who has been beaten to near death and then almost eaten alive by the ferocious insects of Alaspin. Rescuing her, they travel in the Teacher to the world of Longtunnel where her research is being conducted.
Review #2
Flinx in Flux audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
If the book were to be re-edited, especially for the explosion of mis-used commas and other grammatical errors this would be a 5 star addition to the universe of the Flinx saga. Sadly, though I love Flinx like my own son, the grammar is so overwhelmingly poor that it detracts from the very story. Please fix this-Flinx is a dear, old friend.
Review #3
Audiobook Flinx in Flux by Alan Dean Foster
I wasn\’t impressed with this one. I liked his earlier works. They are good adventure stories with a twist. This one appears more introspective with a threat to the universe back plot. In all fairness, I read much of his work over 20 years ago. I may have just grown away from this type of read.
Review #4
Audio Flinx in Flux narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
I read this book first when I was 12. I enjoyed it then . I am reading it now with a feeling of nostalgia, Sci fi movies and books have advanced so far that this series shows its age a bit. It was written in a simpler time. And maybe it will still feel new and fresh to a YA market
Review #5
Free audio Flinx in Flux – in the audio player below
Flinx meets Clarity and finally experiences love, heartbreak and betrayal. Clarity doesn\’t live up to her name and exhibits poor judgement, and various other weaknesses. Not much of a heroine. Flinx expands his abilities further and finds a focus for his life. Very good addition to the series.