Keep Out, Claudia!

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Keep Out, Claudia! audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Keep Out, Claudia! audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Keep Out, Claudia! audiobook free

The Babysitters Club is at it again in KEEP OUT CLAUDIA! In this new adventure with Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, Stacey, Dawn, Mallory, and Jessi, they deal with a prejudiced New customer, named Mrs. Lowell. Meanwhile, the sitters put a band together for their kids.

The sitters always like new clients. So when they get a phone call from a lady named Mrs. Lowell, they are happy to take the job. The Lowell’s have three kids, Caitlyn, the oldest, and Celeste are girls, and Mackie is the son.

Mary Anne is the first sitter for the Lowell’s. She felt a little strange when Mrs. Lowell looked her over at the door, but figured she just wanted to see who was sitting for her kids. After Mrs. Lowell left, the kids were great. They asked about her kitten, and acted fine. They listened to Mary Anne, were nice to her, and Mrs. Lowell is very pleased.

So when she calls the club again and Claudia gets the job, she is confused at the way the family behaves. From the moment she arrives at the door, she knows something is wrong. Mrs. Lowell acts strange, like something is wrong about Claud. The kids act funny too, not listening, acting secretive, sneaking snacks, and laughing at their sitter.

Mrs. Lowell decides to call the club again, and request anybody but Claudia! Claudia didn’t do anything wrong, so she is confused. But since Kristy and Mary Anne had good experiences, Jessi decides to try. Mrs. Lowell stares at her, then slams the door in her face! Then she calls the club again, and asks for only blonde hair, blue eyed sitters.

Mrs. Lowell is prejudiced. She doesn’t like Jessi because she is black, she doesn’t like Claudia because she is Asian-American, she doesn’t like Mallory because her family is so big. In fact, when the kids hear that they laugh and assume she is Christian. She doesn’t like Kristy because her adopted sister is Vietnamese, she wouldn’t like Dawn and Stacey, although they have blonde hair and blue eyes, because their parents are divorced. And they wouldn’t like the fact that Mary Anne has a step-sister.

While the Lowell-drama is happening,some other things are too. The sitters start a band for their charges. Jackie, Archie, and Shea Rodowsky helped come up with the idea. Jackie also comes up with the name, All The Children.

This is a great book, written from Claudia Kishi’s perspective. All the serious-topic books are written from Jessi’s point, so it was interesting to deal with it from another sitter.

I highly recommend this book, as well as the series.
Thanks again,
Gymnastic Zebra


Review #2

Keep Out, Claudia! audiobook in series The Baby-Sitters Club

When the BSC gets some new clients the Lowells Mrs. Lowell doesn’t like Claudia or jessi because they are Japanese and African-American I mean seriously who does that Mrs Lowell is MEAN and ride to them and suggests a blond haired blue eyed babysitter not the best book


Review #3

Audiobook Keep Out, Claudia! by Ann M. Martin

I found this book very interesting as racism was talked about. In my opinion this is a great book! ; )

Thanks Ann .m. Martin


Review #4

Audio Keep Out, Claudia! narrated by Ali Ahn

This was a book for my granddaughter.
She said it was OK., not as appealing to her apparently as much as some others she has enjoyed.
I gave it an OK because of her feedback.


Review #5

Free audio Keep Out, Claudia! – in the audio player below

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Loved it so much
I loved o so so so so so so much


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