Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7)

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Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7) audiobook free

I\’m enjoying reading about the Kowalskis (since their family sounds loud and crazy like my own) but as I was reading Liz and Drew\’s story, I kept wishing for one of Aunt Mary\’s wooden spoons…for: (SPOILERS) –Mitch: Can you BE any more of a Neanderthal, reacting the way you did toward your VERY GROWN sister actually having a relationship with a man? Wouldn\’t you be happy to know it was with your very nice lifelong friend, not some dirtbag? —Liz: Can you get your head screwed on straight long enough to see what\’s in front of you? —Drew: PLEEEEASE ease up on the \”I want kids, I want kids, I want kids\” chorus? Frankly, it gave me a headache. All that said, I loved reading about the camping trip and the small town life (which after living in a very busy community I myself have come to treasure)! I am glad I read this (I\’ve been dying to hear about Liz after reading about her brothers) but, oh, where\’s a wooden spoon when you need it? P.S. I am finding (now that I realized I\’m reading the stories out of order) that I would enjoy the characters\’ journeys and personalities even more if I read the stories IN ORDER. Just a thought!


Review #2

Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7) audiobook streamming online

is that there are NO MORE KOWALSKIS!!!! Sure, I know some of them will continue to show up in future books about some of the other characters. But, bar none, Shannon Stacey is my absolute favorite contemporary author of all time. This book gets back a bit more of the fun that the first three books had, in large part due to the camping reunion (I was waiting for a tick check, but alas, not happening…). The only criticism I can make is that, because there are so many characters, we don\’t get reacquainted as much as I would have liked. As many other reviewers mention, Stacey\’s dialog is perfection–female, male, and even kids. Speaking of which, the kids in these books are hilarioius–realistic, yet fun, and not obnoxiously sweet nor foul-mouthed and sassy. The storyline is a standard–H/h are attracted, but due to family and friendship ties, feel that they can\’t go public with their relationship. But this book tells the tale with such fresh and fun dialog and description, it doesn\’t matter if, yes, we see it all coming. Stacey is my go-to author when I need a lift; I usually read or listen to one of her books nearly every month. I wish that she had nothing else to do in her life, like family and sleep, so she could write 24/7.


Review #3

Audiobook Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7) by Shannon Stacey

3.5 I\’m so sad this was the last Kowalski book (there are more books in the series but this is the last one with a Kowalski). Some of the books were a hit or miss for me but the Kowalski family is one that won my heart ever since I read \’Exclusively Yours\’ (book 1). I am going to miss them falling in love and finding their happily ever after but let\’s talk about this book: *I LOVED* -the annual Kowalski camping trip of DOOM! Because I\’ve followed this series since the beginning, I got to meet the Kowalskis in one of their camping trips of doom. I absolutely loved it and couldn\’t be happier when Aunt Mary and Rose decide to reunite the entire family. It was wonderful seeing where everyone\’s at. I LOVED it and laughed with their tournaments of doom. It also brought me good memories from book 1 and a huge need to go back and give it a re-read. So yes, this part was my favorite thing in this book , especially being the last Kowalski book, it was PERFECT. And it definitely influenced my rating going higher. -Drew and Mitch\’s friendship. I loved it since Mitch\’s book (All He Ever Needed) and I still loved it here. It hurt me when they fought and I almost cried (happy tears) because even though Mitch was weirded out because of Drew\’s relationship with his sister, he went looking for Drew because he knew he needed him. *I LIKED* -Liz and Drew\’s relationship was nice and I enjoyed reading them. How they fought their attraction and tried hiding it from everyone until they couldn\’t. But at the same time *I DIDN\’T LIKE* that even though they spent time together a lot of it was about him wanting to have kids and worrying because maybe Liz wouldn\’t want them, and in the other hand, Liz was thinking about Drew wanting to have kids and it just got tiresome after a while. I wanted them to know more about them other than he wants to have kids and she doesn\’t know what she wants. -the ending was rushed again. They fight and then they\’re making up and then the book\’s over. It really needed an epilogue. I felt I didn\’t get a complete conclusion. -the word sideways is repeated constantly throughout the book. I usually don\’t pay attention to how many words an author uses, but sideways was so obvious. Yeah, the tittle has it and I don\’t know if that made the word being repeated constantly, but it was not needed. *OVERALL: \’Love a little Sideways\’ was an entertaining reading. The romance was not one of \’holy-mother-of-god-there\’s-sparks-and fireworks\’ but was cute. What really made this book for me was the return of my old favorite Kowalskis and their camping trip of doom.


Review #4

Audio Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7) narrated by Lauren Fortgang

This is a good end to the Kowalskis family story. I have enjoyed reading all about the brothers and how they found and fell in love with their wifes and Liz was always kind of in the background. it was good to read her story and how she found happiness. A good read for a rainy day.


Review #5

Free audio Love a Little Sideways (Kowalski Family #7) – in the audio player below

Love this series and love this book cannot wait for the next book


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