Love Life audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Love Life audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Love Life audiobook free
In Rob Lowe’s first book he shared an intimate portrait of himself – sharing his vulnerabilities, his failures and successes, his friendships and loves. He was open and honest and humble. I came away from that book feeling as though he had allowed me to know his heart and I became a bigger fan than I had been before. Stories I Only Tell My Friends was a wonderful memoir from a man who was willing to learn from his mistakes and share those lessons with me. I loved it. So, when Love Life was released I immediately added it to my Wish List. I finally read it yesterday and today. This sophomore effort is good – but not as good as Stories … was. Mr Lowe remains open, unpretentious and self-aware. He shares much about his love for his family and is particularly vulnerable when speaking of his two sons. He certainly allows us to see that he truly does love his life. But… at times I felt the book became a “how to” book for aspiring actors. Although I enjoy the glimpses into this world that I know nothing about, the reason I loved Stories … was that he opened his heart and mind and shared his inner self. That is what I was looking for in Love Life, He did it, but not as much, and I wanted more. Having said that, I look forward to a third installment. 25 people found this helpful
Review #2
Love Life audiobook streamming online
Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why? I read Rob Lowe\’s first book earlier this summer on the recommendation from a very well-read (think massive non-fiction tomes) friend, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. On the strength of my enjoyment of Mr. Lowe\’s first memoir, I picked this one up as a literature break. I listened to both books, and note that Mr. Lowe is an excellent narrator. His diction, affect, mimicry (he is a master vocal imitator) and expressiveness make him very, very easy and enjoyable to listen to. I am unsure how much I would enjoy reading this book – certainly I would not enjoy it more than listening to it and fear that I would like it somewhat less. Reviews are all over the place but I give this one 5 stars. Listen to it if you can. Classics are his recounting of a visit to the Playboy Mansion, creating a Bigfoot sighting for his boys whilst camping, and his insight into successfully authoring one\’s own life. I recommend, especially as an audiobook. 12 people found this helpful
Review #3
Audiobook Love Life by Rob Lowe
Have read both of his books and they are at times both laugh out loud funny, sadly nostalgic, and gently insightful. Would Recommend to anyone over 18 since there is some language. 6 people found this helpful
Review #4
Audio Love Life narrated by Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe\’s first book set the bar super high and it\’s still one of my all time favorite Audible books. I was really excited about this new one. I would\’ve loved for him to go into more detail about his early life in Malibu and tales from movies sets. As a sophomore effort this was just ok for me. I felt like it was a lot about his family life, more serious stories that would probably interest someone who is trying to be an actor and his struggle to deal with his kids leaving home for school. Although well written and read I just wasn\’t into it. 18 people found this helpful
Review #5
Free audio Love Life – in the audio player below
An excellent reading by a sincere man who has grown to be so much more than mere \”pretty boy\”. His stories, humor, and intelligence are inspired. Treat yourself to this book. 5 people found this helpful