Mutineer (Alexis Carew #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Mutineer (Alexis Carew #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Mutineer (Alexis Carew #2) audiobook free
I started this, then went back and bought book 1 and listened to both books back to back over the past 2 days. It is rivetting. This volume deals with Alexis\’ life under a harsh captain, the crew\’s mutiny,,, and subsequent consequences thereof. I won\’t give a synopsis, as it will contain too many spoilers. Suffice it to say, it is partially based on a real life incident in the Royal Navy in the 18th Century. I can see this standing up to Honor Harrington and others, not in the technical details, but in the character\’s sense of honour and duty. I hope it will run and run. I can\’t wait for book 3. The narration was equally good, though I found it somewhat disconcerting to hear American phrasing coming from a clear \’English\’ voice. The word \’gotten\’ for instance is just wrong and sounds completely out of character with the rest of the book. None of which is the narrator\’s fault. Other than that, clear diction, a good range of accents, both English and \’foreign\’. I\’d never heard of Elizabeth Klett, but will definitely enjoy listening to other books narrated by her. All in all, a terrific find. Finally, this audio book was provided by the narrator free of charge in exchange for an unbiased review.
Review #2
Mutineer (Alexis Carew #2) audiobook streamming online
I got the first book as a promotional copy, but it was good enough I came back and paid for more. Plain and simple, it\’s an excellent series. Not earth shattering new fiction… it\’s a bit of school story, a bit of Horatio Hornblower, a bit of Honor Harrington, but it\’s fun, and clever, and tight. Elizabeth Klett manages a narration that is at once youthful and wide eyed, and sidelong sardonic, with good vocal differentiation and a fine sense of pacing.
Review #3
Audiobook Mutineer (Alexis Carew #2) by J.A. Sutherland
This is book two of the Alexis Carew series. When we left Alexis in book one she was being transferred (against her Captains wishes) to HMS Hermione, the ship has an unhappy crew, a cruel Captain and a war starting. I noted that Sutherland borrowed the idea from British Naval history. The bloodiest mutiny in the Royal navy was in 1782 and it started aboard the HMS Hermione. The mutiny took place in the Home Fleet guarding England. I was happy the author’s note at the end confirmed I was correct about his borrowing the Hermione from the 1782 mutiny. Sutherland is filling in more of Alexis’s character in this episode. The book grabbed my attention and kept it throughout. The characters are engaging and the plot is spellbinding. The book is well written with nail biting suspense. Thank goodness Sutherland completes the story as he did with book one and does not leave us with a cliff hanger, but I still cannot wait for the next book. It just takes a bit of getting use to having space ships with sails and all the problems of water, food, etc., that were present in the 1800 ocean sailing ships. Must say it is an interesting idea. Elizabeth Klett does a good job narrating the book. Glad they kept the same narrator from book one. Hope she is able to do the entire series. I hate to have different narrator in a series.
Review #4
Audio Mutineer (Alexis Carew #2) narrated by Elizabeth Klett
the storytelling is good not great but sulfide the story at a Good pace that keep you in the story but let you stop and do some work but you want to get back to the book .
Review #5
Free audio Mutineer (Alexis Carew #2) – in the audio player below
exelent book, well worth the read. this book took me from fargo north Dakota to Chicago IL with only 3 stops between.