Outfox audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Outfox audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Outfox audiobook free
The author\’s work has declined in recent years, and this latest attempt was very disappointing. I did not enjoy the characters and did not feel empathy for any of them, despite the plot line. Given the author\’s plot twists in previous books, I anticipated the surprise in the final chapters. It took me several days to finish the book, simply because the content never captured my undivided attention. The book was expensive, which makes me even more disappointed. I agree with one reviewer who commented on the number of grammatical and typographical errors. If the author took over a year to complete the book and the publisher/editor charged the exorbitant price for an e-book, then they could have hired another reader to find and correct the errors. PLEASE take note that good editing should be a priority.
Review #2
Outfox audiobook streamming online
I have been a faithful reader for fifty(?) years now, but never once encountered so many grammatical errors/insults!!!! Pallet instead of palate, champing, stamping, wild hares….!!!! And those are only the ones coming to mind right now!!! Editors on drugs??
Review #3
Audiobook Outfox by Sandra Brown
Spoiler Alerts – Spoiler Alerts I read a LOT and I have read several of Sandra Brown\’s other books and found them mildly entertaining. However, this may be one of the worst books I have ever read in my entire life. Shallow characters, shallow plot … virtually nothing in this book is remotely believable. It is more like an R-rated fairly tale. Man in search of serial killer, moves in next door to his suspect, meets suspect\’s wife and they both IMMEDIATELY begin fantasizing about sex with each other … not so bad, except they fantasize about sex with each other even when in peril (which is often – both the fantasizing and the peril) … and the peril is shallow as well. The two main characters are being watched over by a Fairy Godmother and when anything goes bad, poof, she fixes it immediately. I found nothing about this book that I liked: The serial killer and plot were totally unbelievable, the (???) FBI agent trying to find him was a sex crazed, on the edge character with few if any redeeming qualities, the wife of the serial killer was a sex crazed as the (???) FBI agent and she knew absolutely NOTHING about her husband\’s life, but (drum roll) in the end, the serial killer meets his maker, the (???) FBI agent and the killer\’s wife hook up everywhere, both are independently wealthy and, oh, despite her problems conceiving, he gets her pregnant and they live happily ever after. What a waste of my time and money. Probably won\’t be reading anymore Sandra Brown books if this is the best she can do.
Review #4
Audio Outfox narrated by Victor Slezak
I usually enjoy Sandra Brown\’s books and I look forward to her new ones. This was borderline awful. It just didn\’t make sense. The heroes motivation was flimsy and his hunt for the antagonist was unrealistic. The characters were unlikeable and the female lead was so weak! There is a cool plot twist at the end….
Review #5
Free audio Outfox – in the audio player below
No. It is unbelievable at best. I hope that no FBI agent would treat a female as the hero in this book does. Unwanted advances, flirting, touching by an FBI agent of the married woman is unacceptable. The hero is obviously a narcissistic misogynist who flaunts the rules. This book is nothing more than a cheap, bad, bodice ripping romance wrapped up as a mystery.