Something Needs to Change

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Something Needs to Change Audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Something Needs to Change audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Something Needs to Change audiobook free

I see from reading this book just how important it is to know the truth about the character of the God we serve. The Christian world needs to know the truth of God’s teachings on subjects such as hell and death. So many Christians like the author believe and teach others that hell is something that someone encounters soon after they die if they haven’t accepted Jesus. But biblical evidence is not on the side of this view. So many Christians believe that hell is a place that exists even now and that people are even now burning there in agony and will do so forever. But truly, if one is intellectually honest, this will cause a crisis in one’s faith (as it nearly did for the author) if they truly believe that our God will send someone to such a place forever and ever just because they happen to be born in an area of the world where 99.9% of the population never even hear the name of Jesus over the course of their lifetime. To dear Pastor Platt and all readers and people everywhere please learn and know that the correct biblical view of hell is this: Hell is better thought of as an EVENT that will take place only after Jesus comes back for his people and after judgment has taken place. Hell is not in existence right now. And when the bible describes hell as “eternal”, this means that its consequences (death) are eternal. The overwhelming evidence of the bible is that sin and sinners will be “burned up.” Sin and sinners will “perish” as is said in John 3:16. They will cease to exist. They will not live on forever in hell. The idea that hell currently exists and that sinners who lived in the time of Adam has been burning there from their death till today and forevermore is an untruth that the Christian world seems to have accepted. It saddens me because it does not depict the correct picture of the character of God. For more in-depth bible study on this, one can go to to learn more.

Also, there is no reason to assume (as the author seems to) that just because someone has never heard the name of Jesus that they are going to hell. The overwhelming evidence of the bible is in times of ignorance, God winks at our sins. Acts 10:34-35 also says that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. I truly believe that there will be those in heaven who have never heard the name of Jesus who will be in heaven–saved by Jesus but never necessarily having heard who saved them until they get to heaven. Those who live according to light they they know need not necessarily go to hell. Romans 2:14 says that when the Gentiles keep the law of God without ever having heard about the law of God, they testify that the law is written in their hearts. So I have no reason to believe that those “Gentiles” who have never heard of the name of Jesus but are living up to the light that has been revealed to them will inherit eternal death because they never had the privilege of hearing the name of Jesus in their lifetime.

I am not done reading this book but I had to respond to what I’d read so far. I am currently on Day 4 of his journey. I do like the premise of the book. So many of us westerners have been so blessed materially compared to so many others in the world–and this book points this out splendidly. If we read and contemplate the lives of others who live in such destitute conditions, perhaps this will shift our focus away from ourselves. Perhaps this will help us be shift our thoughts and attention away from ourselves and onto others. Perhaps we will work to change the lives of others–doing the most good we can do, for as many people we can, for as long as we can.

Review #3

Audiobook Something Needs to Change by Cris Dukehart

One of the benefits of reading widely is the opportunity to occasionally read a book that broadens one’s worldview while focusing one’s priorities. “Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make Your Life Count in a World Of Urgent Need” by David Platt is just such a book. While reading this book the truth of what Platt describes—a world filled with physical suffering combined with a need for spiritual transformation through the power of the gospel—is evident and vivid and obvious.

This book is a call to action. Using his own experience on a mission trip in the Himalayas, Platt calls the Church to (shall I say it?) RADICAL obedience. Even though that radical obedience will take on as many forms as there are Christians in this world, the call is for every Christian to work out their faith in the world to alleviate physical suffering, and, more importantly, to take the good news of the gospel to the world in which we live.

Do not read this book if you are simply looking for someone to uplift you and pat you on the back. In fact, only read this book if you are open to having your soul rubbed raw through the conviction of the Holy Spirit in. In America, the church tends to be self-satisfied and complacent—unwilling to deny self, take up Christ’s cross and to follow Him. But that is exactly the call in this book.

Even though I do not know David Platt, I feel like I sensed his urgency in this book. It is my prayer that this book will work in your life and in the life of the church as we together agree: Something needs to change. And after we agree, then we need get busy for the kingdom of God. Read this soul-piercing book. Happy reading!

Review #4

Audio Something Needs to Change narrated by Cris Dukehart

I love how Platt begins by reminding us that he is the guy who wrote Radical. We know his dedication to God’s word. And yet, I am so thankful he shared his raw journal entries that ask hard questions when the reality of the Fall stares us right in the eyes. Who hasn’t thought, “how can God do this?” These are very people He says he loves!

This book is critical because so many disciples of Jesus completely lack the urgency of the first Disciples. These stories raise the urgency level. You want to help. You need to tell people about who Jesus is and what He’s done for us. So many raise a hand, “accept” Jesus, then don’t do anything to follow Him. This book examines Luke in a dangerous way and encourages all of us to take the bold steps He calls us all to take. Time really is short.

I know some people want the last chapter to offer more guidance than it does. But it looks different for everyone. We have different gifts. This book hammers home what needs to be said — if we can trust Jesus to save us from our sins, as awful as they are, then we can also trust Him to lead us. From the right perspective, which this book provides, it is not frightening to surrender to Jesus. It is frightening not to.

Review #5

Free audio Something Needs to Change – in the audio player below

The stories than emanate from this part of the world are usually of heroes or tragedies in the pursuits of personal goals in the mountains. This is a book that will bring sadness and challenge to any except the cold hearted. The account of many of the indigenous people is one of abject poverty, lack of education, healthcare and hope. May it open eyes and hearts to the needs in this beautiful part of the world

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