The 20th Victim

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The 20th Victim

Review #1

The 20th Victim audiobook free

Here’s the thing. I adore James Patterson. He used to be one of my absolute favorite authors and basically anything he wrote immediately became my new must have. That said, in recent years the books have been hit and miss for me. There have still been some real winners- I am fully behind where the Alex cross books and Michael Bennett books are going…. but there have also been some that I have been on the fence about. I couldn’t fully fall in love with the Harriet Blue series and the Private series are touch and go for me. While I liked this one, it wasn’t the best book in the series by a long shot- there was a lot going on and everything just seemed a bit… messy.
Let’s start with the main storyline. Modern day vigilantes are taking vengeance on drug dealers and the like. They claim to be the new war on drugs, doing what police can’t or won’t. Lindsay and Rich are trying to figure this out, and get help from other areas where similar killings have happened- meeting with varying levels of success. At the same time our favorite reporter is trying desperately to get the scoop- and a little pissed at her lover and bestie for keeping her out- yeah, we’ve had this issue in these books numerous times and it’s getting old. You would think by now Cindy would respect the fact that they can’t talk to her about some things- or that they may need her to wait on info in order to catch a killer. And yet… she sulks. Add to that there’s a new, very annoying reporter that’s placed on the story with her. Is he just a jerk… or is he trying to sabotage her?
Side story #1: Joe is called to an old friend’s side when his father dies of what looks like natural causes. Ray just isn’t convinced, in fact, he believes that the doctor killed his father- and maybe several other patients. Is it the grief talking? Has Ray lost it? Or could he actually be on to something? This one was messy for me. It’s obvious that Ray needs help- therapy at least, whether he is on to something or not. I don’t like that most of the time Joe seemed to be basically humoring his friend. The story dragged a lot, with little pockets of mayhem to spice things up.
Side story #2: Claire is sick! I won’t go into too much because…. spoilers…. but Lindsay’s BFF is fighting for her life and I don’t feel like we got enough information here. I would have loved to see this from either her POV or her husband’s. As it was, something that could have given the characters and the WMC universe more depth simply seemed to detract from everything else going on.
Side story #3: Yuki is having to prosecute a young man with charges that she doesn’t think he deserves. The boy was a driver for a drug dealer- in a stolen car. Did he know the car was stolen? Who knows?! Did he know about the drugs? He won’t say. He also won’t say anything about the passenger- who shot a cop and got away leaving this boy to take the fall for everything. But if he won’t talk, even to save himself, how can anyone help him? Out of all the side stories this one was probably my favorite. I love Yuki, and I respected the heartache she went through over this case. It made me see her in a different light and I feel like there was some character growth here.
All in all this was a four star book for me. It was really good- but not the best in the series. Still, it was an interesting fast read.

Review #2

The 20th Victim audiobook Series Women’s Murder Club

I’m not sure what this recent trend is with Patterson books, but there’s such a large build up to the end . . . and then the capture of the bad guy takes about a paragraph. It’s been that way in the last few that I’ve read I feel like. It’s very odd.

The rest of the story was good. It was nice to see the Women’s Murder Club working together again. We also got to see more of Cindy’s working life which I enjoyed and thought was interesting. There was a wrench thrown in their friendship with some bad news about Claire. But they rallied together. I know that wasn’t the main storyline of the book, but it almost seemed forgotten at times. It would get mentioned again and I’d be like OH YEAH, THAT’S HAPPENING.

There were a lot of different storylines going on all at once. They didn’t all necessarily get the attention they deserved. This book probably could have been a lot longer and I would have been fine with that.

Cindy’s co-worker drama was pretty unnecessary especially with how it ended. The storyline with Joe was random.

After all of that, it’s still nice to be back in their world. Lindsay’s main crime storyline was rather interesting. I wish we could have heard more about that.

Review #3

Audiobook The 20th Victim by James Patterson

I loved these books when the series started but they’re getting a bit predictable now and rather shallow. The characters seem to have less depth these days and it all gives the impression of books on a production line for profit rather than writing from the heart. I struggled to finish this and don’t think I’ll bother with the next one. It’s a shame as JP was my favourite author for years but there are far better writers out there now. If you’re bored writing novels retire, don’t keep disappointing readers with formulaic rubbish and charging top dollar.

Review #4

Audio The 20th Victim narrated by January LaVoy

This book series started out so good and now I feel they are being written for the sake of putting out another book. This one and the one before it have been boring and predictable. Yes, it’s great to hear about the private life of the main characters, but the villains seem to give up to easily. There’s no reason for me to buy any more. I’m bored!

Review #5

Free audio The 20th Victim – in the audio player below

If you’ve reached number twenty in this series then you know what to expect. Once again Sgt Lindsay Boxer is at the centre of the story investigating an apparent vigilante group who are killing drug dealers across the country. At the same time her husband, Joe, is helping out an old friend who alleges his father was murdered by his physician – not the first time the man has done this according to Dave. Is it true or is the truth bound up with Dave’s complicated relationship with his dad?
The other members of the Women’s Murder Club feature in varying degrees. Cindy, the reporter, gets more time than she has recently whilst she fights to keep her place as the number one crime reporter in town and deal with a pushy new colleague.
This isn’t a complex plot, there are no great Ta-Da moments or unexpected twists, and only the briefest conscience-wrestling on whether it’s okay to shoot drug dealers. However what these authors are great at is keeping you turning the page and thinking ‘just one more chapter before I put it down’ – so for that reason – four stars.

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