Tiger’s Quest

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Tiger’s Quest Audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Tiger’s Quest audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Tiger’s Quest audiobook free

Colleen Houck’s Tiger’s Quest was far better than I expected! Especially after a slow start, I was beginning to doubt if I would continue liking this series, but after ten chapters or so, the action finally begins its starting pace.

The beginning focused on Kelsey and her life back in Oregon. Which is sooo different now after all she’s been through, but plus she’s living on her own in a duplex, going to college, driving a Porsche all for free. Mr. Kadam and the boys are basically freaking richer than anyone in the world and have enough cash to spare to put Kelsey in the lap of luxury! To be able to do anything without worry about money must really be nice, but at times I felt like it was too convenient that so much money was available and made everything possible. But moving on…

Kelsey begins to date, she wants to find that special someone and move on from Ren. Her plan starts out pretty good. One date was totally lousy, the next was so-so, the final player was the most likely choice, except she just wasn’t “wow’d” by him. Then on Christmas she receives an unexpected present. Ren. After months from not hearing from him, he returns. Their relationship then starts over with the whole dating thing, for Ren wants to win Kelsey back in the right way.

But all is not safe and calm in Oregon. Lokesh is looking for Kelsey, hunting her really. Her life is in danger, so Kishan comes to the states to help out. This is when things pick up marginally. For suddenly Kelsey and the brothers are being chased down by way too many men in the middle of the forest. And suddenly, Ren is captured.

Returning back to India, it will be up to Kelsey and Kishan to rescue him, with help from Mr. Kadam of course. But before they can help him, they must perform the next test in the prophecy and receive one of the desired objects. It’s not long before feelings and whatall start developing between Kishan and Kelsey. Kishan’s feelings were obvious, but it’s Kelsey’s who are going through a whirlwind storm! She loves Ren, knows it, but she loves Kishan too–just not in the same way as Ren.

Once their task is complete Kelsey, Kishan and Mr. Kadam move in to rescue Ren but it will take a lot more firepower than expected.

These books while very long, the first two at least and it looks like the next two are just as long if not longer, are pretty well paced. Again, I will note that the beginning was a little too slow for me. It was too focused on the normal side of life when I was wanting Kelsey and Ren to get back to India and start looking for the next objects. Once Kelsey and Kishan’s journey began, things were interesting and entertaining!

There’s a lot of storytelling in these books and I do enjoy that. Moments of normalcy are spread throughout as well, and sometimes I do enjoy them, but other times I feel like they drag a bit too much. But in the later half, I can see why they were necessary. The beginning half I can understand, I was just bored with it.

The ending, oh the ending! It’s one of those types that kills me! I obviously cannot go into details, but after I read the third one and review it, you can expect me to tell you why this kind of ending always kills me. It wasn’t so much the ending, but an event. An occurrence that kills me!

As for action, there was plenty of it. Kelsey and Kishan had to perform many tasks and feats in order to get the desired object they wanted, much like Kelsey and Ren did the first go around. In ways, this book kind of read like that one, expect for obvious differences. But the whole going to a magical place where Kishan could remain human for as long as he wanted. With that in mind, I don’t know how I feel about the originality of this story, I still enjoyed it for sure! But while I was reading, I felt like some things were just too familiar. But again, I am not saying it’s a bad thing and that I hated it, I still really enjoyed this read and cannot wait to get to the next one within time.

As far as romance goes, there was a bit of it. When Kelsey and Ren had their time together in the beginning, it was deliciously sweet! Ren is the kind of boyfriend any girl would want. But in the later half, when it’s Kelsey and Kishan time, things are way different. The brothers are very different from one another. But I see more sadness in our bad-boy Kishan. He hurts and truly cares for Kelsey in a very romantic way, but he knows her heart belongs to Ren, but he cannot help but love who he loves. A fear of a repeat of history does come up, but how much worse can it get?

It doesn’t help either that Kelsey’s feelings for Kishan are overly confused. She is attracted to him as well. But again, she is in love with Ren. That was a difference she pointed out as well!

This series is definitely entertaining and is marvelous storytelling! I think that’s what draws me in so. The storytelling. This will be one series that I definitely will be holding onto and seeing it to its end. Now if only I could get caught up in it!

Review #2

Tiger’s Quest audiobook Series Tiger’s Curse

Tiger’s Quest had me laughing hysterically, yelling with anger, gasping for hope, and crying for what could be lost and by the turn of the last page, all I could do was slam the book down on the floor next to me and put my head in my hands because of all the emotions I’d just been through…that, and I couldn’t believe I had to stop there and wait for the next book to be released in November.

We begin Tiger’s Quest in a bit of a depression as Kelsey tries to pick up her *normal* life where she left off, signing up for classes, hanging out with her health-freak family, and even dating a little. (Of course, there is no story without the brothers, Ren and Kishan, so to keep spoilers out of this post as much as possible, I’ll just say their return is inevitable.) First off, I don’t mean to bash, but there really is no other way of putting it but bluntly: I can’t stand Kelsey. There. I said it. I don’t see what is so admirable and special about her. Some of the things she says and does do not coincide with how it seems we, as readers, are supposed to perceive her through the eyes of those who love her. I was hoping we would see growth in her as the series progressed, but she still falls flat for me and is the only problem I have with the story. I feel no connection or attachment to her at all. I hope she develops more of a personality and earns the love of the men she has wrapped around her little finger.

Ren and Kishan, on the other hand, are the core of the excitment and intrigue of this story. They have a complex history, are wrought with torn emotions, smolder to the point that there might as well be smoke coming off the pages, and are immortal thanks to a curse that turns them into lethal beasts. What more could we ask for? We really get to know Kishan in Tiger’s Quest and come to discover (as if we didn’t know) that there is quite a bit more to his cocky attitude than meets the eye – my favorite kind of character. Ren is MIA for most of the sequel but ends up throwing in the biggest surprise of all – I guarantee your jaw will be hitting the floor.

I really enjoyed the mythology and history covered throughout the story. A lot of reviews I’ve read mention that they thought some of the descriptions got in the way of the plot, but for me, I think it added to the storyline. I could really envision the world through which Kishan and Kelsey traveled on their quest and the unexpected elements the author randomly threw in at different points really added texture and dynamism for the reader.

The main storyline is supposed to continue with the resolution of the brothers’ curse, but the ongoing adventure seems to act as a side note when compared to the romantic drama that bubbles through the pages to the point of boiling over. I feel like I’m in the thick of Kelsey’s relationships with Ren and Kishan, but as for the action, I feel like an outsider that’s told the series of events after the dust kicked up from the excitement has settled. It kinda bummed me out the way the author decided to portray the climactic run-in with Lokesh because I didn’t get to experience the adrenaline and danger alongside the main players – it was simply explained away after the fact in a play-by-play “storytelling session” between the characters. However, although I was a bit confused and irked by how the conclusion was presented, I was still filled with anticipation, gobbling up the pages, and drooling for more by the end.

Review #3

Audiobook Tiger’s Quest by Colleen Houck

I found book one of this series and liked the synopsis and really enjoyed the book. I couldn’t wait for the sequel, which I found on Amazon.

The adventure continues for Kelsey, Ren and Kishan. We found out a lot more about Kishan in this book and although I liked him, I was somewhat quite annoyed with Kelsey. To me it felt like she didn’t really know what she wanted and my heart broke for Ren.

I can’t wait to read the next book in the series to find out how it all turns out. All in all I enjoyed this gripping story and would recommend to YA readers who like mythical creatures coupled with drama. It’s also a frustrating but good love story.

Review #4

Audio Tiger’s Quest narrated by Annika Boras

Erster Satz: I clung to the leader seat and felt my heart fall as the private plane rose into sky, streaking away from India.

Nach dem Ende des ersten Bandes und nachdem meine Wut über das Ende und die beginnende Dreiecksbeziehung verflogen war, wurde ich doch neugierig wie es wohl in Tiger’s Quest weitergeht. Obwohl die Spannung ganze 150 Seiten auf sich warten lässt, fand ich es doch interessant zu beobachten wie eifrig Kelsey versucht sich ein Leben ohne Ren aufzubauen. Sie datet andere Jungs und versucht sich mit dem College abzulenken. Zugegeben, die Dates fand ich doch eher uninteressant, auch wenn mir klar ist das sie diese brauchte um langsam zu begreifen das die Beziehung zu Ren etwas besonderes ist.

Als dieser dann auf ihrer Türschwelle auftaucht wurde das ganze, auf der emotionalen Ebende, spannender und ich hing regelrecht an den Seiten. Gefreut hat mich vor allem das die beiden endlich eine glückliche Zeit miteinander verbringen können, etwas das ich mir schon im ersten Band gewünscht habe. Leider wird diese Zweisamkeit sehr schnell wieder zerschlagen, denn Lokesh hat Kelsey gefunden und treibt sie, Ren und Kishan in eine Falle aus der nur Kelsey und Kishan fliehen können. Nachdem Rens Gefangennahme reißen Kishan und Kelsey zurück nach Indien.

Ab da beginnt das Abenteuer wieder richtig. Es dauert nicht lange bis sie zusammen mit Mr. Kadam heraus gefunden haben welche Aufgabe sie als nächstes zu erledigen haben um den Fluch zu brechen. Nachdem die Aufgabe im ersten Band sehr düster und teilweise ein wenig unheimlich war, hat es mich gefreut das die Aufgabe dieses Mal sehr hell und auch freundlich, wenn auch nicht weniger gefährlich ist. Die Mythologie nimmt hier wieder einen sehr großen Teil an und an und für sich habe ich an diesem Part des Buches nicht zu bemängeln.

Kommen wir zur Liebesgeschichte. Kelsey setzt natürlich alles daran Ren zu befreien, jetzt nachdem sie ihre Ängst endlich überwunden hat. Doch Ren ist weg und sein Bruder Kishan macht Kelsey mit seinem Gefühlen für sie unsicher. Eigentlich hatte ich mit weit schlimmeren gerechnet, aber die beiden konzentrieren sich wirklich hauptsächlich auf ihre Aufgabe, auch wenn Kishan durchaus versucht ihr näher zu kommen. Ich hatte zwar schon das Gefühl das Kelsey in dieser Zeit Gefühle für Kishan entwickelt hat, allerdings hält sie weiterhin an Ren fest und das ist auch gut so. Denn man merkt sehr deutlich das Kelsey und Ren füreinander bestimmt sind. Diese Magie, das prickeln, alles was ihre Beziehung zu so etwas besonderem macht, fehlt bei Kishan einfach. Ich verstehe wirklich nicht weshalb die Autorin dieses Chaos miteinbinden musste, es wäre auch gut ohne gegangen.

Das Ende des Buches war sehr traurig und ist verantwortlich dafür das ich gleich sofort weiterlesen werde, denn ich möchte wissen wie es weitergeht. Übrigens, Englischanfänger sollten sich zweimal überlegen ob sie die Tiger Saga wirklich in Englisch lesen möchten. Während dem erledigen der Aufgabe um die Opfergabe zu bekommen, wird das Englisch nämlich schwerer als beim Rest des Buches. Es kommen sehr viele unbekannte Wörter und obwohl ich schon gut 7 englische Bücher gelesen habe, musste ich wirklich viel übersetzen und kam daher langsamer voran. Mit genug Ausdauer kriegt man aber auch das hin.

Review #5

Free audio Tiger’s Quest – in the audio player below

Die Reise um Kelsey und Ren geht weiter!
Kelsey versucht wieder ihr normales Schulleben zu bestreiten und sich mit neuen Männern zu treffen, denn sie will Ren vergessen. Sie weiß einfach, dass sie beide keine gemeinsame Zukunft miteinander haben können. Allerdings sieht dies Ren anders, der ihr nach einigen Monaten folgt, weil er es nicht mehr ohne Kelsey erträgt. Endlich sprechen sich beide aus, spreche über ihre wahren Gefühle und finden zueinander. Doch dann greift Lokesh plötzlich an und Kelsey kann nur dank Rens Bruder Kishan entkommen. Nun liegt es an Kelsey und Kishan den Fluch zu brechen, denn Ren befindet sich in Lokesh Gewalt und wird gefoltert.
Kelsey weiß, dass sie Rens einzige Chance auf Hoffnung ist und beschließt mitsam Kishan die zweite Prüfung zu bestehen, die sie nur noch tiefer in Mythen und Legenden führt. Aber was tut man mit einer Liebe, die schlagartig nicht mehr erwidert wird? Denn Ren scheint Kelsey plötzlich nicht mehr wieder zuerkennen ‘ Soll Kelsey noch für eine vergessene Liebe kämpfen? Oder empfindet sie mehr für seinen Bruder Kishan?

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