Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11)

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Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11) audiobook free

Waldo Butters studied Morgans injuries in silence for a few moments, while I hovered. He was a wiry little guy, and his black hair stood up helter-skelter, like the fur of a frightened cat. He wore green hospital scrubs and sneakers, and his hands were swift and nimble. He had dark and very intelligent eyes behind black wire-rimmed spectacles, and looked like he hadnt slept in two weeks.

Amazing book but this paragraph appeared over 15 times and straight gave me anxiety. Please fix.


Review #2

Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11) audiobook streamming online

Another well written book by Jim Butcher. Very happy that were finally getting to the meat of some of the problems Harry is facing, with more and more being revealed about the mysterious Black Council. This time Butcher has created another brilliant villain in the form of a Navajo Skinwalker which stalks Harry throughout the book. This thing is a serious badass. Really great read.

So why only three stars? A few reasons. No spoilers here either, just some thoughts. First, the White Council traitor is finally revealed and I wasnt surprised. I actually predicted it a couple of books ago so was a little disappointed. Would have been much more interesting if it had turned out to be someone else. Cool subplot with a bad ending. Was also bitterly disappointed that there wasnt any follow up to the events of Small Favor. The ending of that book was mind blowing with Michael barely clinging to life in an ICU, Nicodemus apparently dead at Harrys hands, one of Marcones people stealing a Denarian coin and a freaking archangel making contact with Harry. All of that gets swept under the rug apart from a couple of lines here and there. Even Molly barely mentions anything of her Dads condition just doesnt make sense. I know Jim Butcher likes to write these as standalone books, but this should have been an exception.

Finally, I dont like any novel which takes the Lords name in vain no need for it. One of the big appeals when I started this series was its lack of profanity a refreshing change. Its slowly gotten worse and its not something I like in the books I read. If the author keeps going this way I dont know if Ill continue with the series. Ill see how the next volume pans out.


Review #3

Audiobook Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11) by Jim Butcher

If you bought the kindle version, you might think you are going crazy when you read the paragraph attached 32 separate times in the book. I thought I was. Turns out it’s an editing error and needs to be corrected. There are also reports of missing pages.

Go with the print version to avoid these issues. For a book that’s 10 years old and $9.99, this type of error is unacceptable.


Review #4

Audio Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11) narrated by James Marsters

I have said it before but it deserves mentioning again, Harry have gone a far way from the somewhat wimpy character that he was in the first couple of books in this series. I am really glad that I hung on to The Dresden Files and did not give up on these books.

The books starts of at full speed with a rather dramatic event. Not the major fight and action loaded event that many authors use in order to get things going, and which often can give the user a somewhat whats actually going on feeling, but rather an event which drops the reader straight into the actual main story of the book. In addition it is an event which turns a few things on their head at the same time.

Harry is still the same sharp tongued and cynical kick—s wizard as we have become used to in recent books. Jim Butcher have managed to get to a decent balance of Harry being somewhat outclassed on a regular basis but at the same time kicking some serious behinds, also on a regular basis.

This is really a good book. It never really slows down to the extent that you find it boring but at the same time it is not just non-stop senseless action and throwing of fire bolts. It also moves the main story arc, that goes through the book series, forward quite a lot.

The ending have quite a few tragic elements in it though. Some of the somewhat predictable, some not so and one I could really have been without. Actually the book ends in a rather dark tone. That still does not stop me from liking this book a lot. I hope the next ones is as good as this one.


Review #5

Free audio Turn Coat (The Dresden Files #11) – in the audio player below

As always Jim takes us on a wild ride with Harry Dresden wizard extraordinaire and his over-the-top antics to do the right thing against all odds. I started the series from the beginning and its hard to miss the underlying build up to catch the bad guys Harry calls the Black Council,but so far the identities of the original creators of the opposition have managed to remain allusive. The only negative thing I found in this book was a typo/paragrapho(?) that was repeated over 30 times verbatim. It was annoying and definitely distracted from the story but after the first couple of times I learned to skip over it. This is the paragraph & it would be great if someone could reach out to the right person to get it fixed, I didnt have any luck.
Harry Butters…. and looked as as if he hadnt slept in two weeks. Other than that the book is a great read and I cant wait to read the next in the series!


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