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Dresden Files are a source of unending fun for fans of all ages; the clumsy-looking wizard always gets the job done through hard work or mere luck. Some think of him as a legend whose name appears on the pages of the library books and some think that he is a disgrace to the wizarding world.

It does not matter what people or the creatures of the world of magic think, Harry always saves the day in the end by risking the only thing he has been left with i.e his life.

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He has performed wonders but still, he never got the praise that was his right, also payment of the work for the government was lower than his expectations. Harry has a place in the White Council which makes him look worthy in both worlds.

Now when a friend comes to him for help he thinks that the White Council status would also be snatched from him. Author Jim Butcher lands Harry in a fix when Warden Morgan comes to him and tells him that he is wanted by the White Council for murder. Warden never committed the murder and claims he has been trapped by someone from within the council. Harry Dresden the hero of Death Masks and Proven Guilty risks his life for investigation again. There is a serious threat to his life because if he fails to catch the criminal he would get caught as he has aided Warden. Harry does not seem to be in a mood of getting his head chopped off for nothing so he goes deeper into the ranks of the White Council for more than his jurisdiction.

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