When You Knew (The Cabots #3)

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When You Knew (The Cabots #3) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for When You Knew (The Cabots #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

When You Knew (The Cabots #3) audiobook free

When You Knew: The Cabots Book 3 is by Jamie Beck. This book highlights the intricacies of family dynamics. It touches on the reasons individuals try so hard to fit into a family situation or business when it is obvious that they really don’t have the passion to belong in that situation or business. The struggle to decide what is really important to you and still fulfill any promises you made to others or to yourself is definitely broached. Just how tough it is to be a single mother and trying to balance your entire life and still be the best mother you can be is one of the major problems faced in this book. The book is definitely realistic and touches on the problems faced today. Gentry had always been a problem child. She rebelled at following the rules. She always felt like she didn’t belong in the family. Hunter and Colby were her step-brother and sister from her Father’s first marriage and were much older than she was. She was never allowed to bond with them the way she wanted to. Her parents were workaholics and worked constantly to keep their company growing and Gentry was left to be raised by nannies. Then, when she became pregnant out of wedlock, she was first going to give the baby to Hunter and his wife Sara who weren’t able to have children; but decided to keep the baby herself. When her baby, Colton, had colic that seemed to be never-ending, she felt the family looked at her and thought she was a failure and the baby would be better off with Sara. Every time she talked to her Mother, it seemed she was criticizing her for something or another. Nothing seems to go right except she loved her baby. One evening, Hunter and Sara came to see them and Sara felt Colton was coming down with something and arranged for a friend who was an EMT to come check on him. Thus, Ian Crawford entered her life. Not only did he check Colton out, he stayed and looked after Colton and cleaned her apartment while Gentry got her first eight hours of sleep since Colton was born. Since Ian was looking for a temporary job until he had enough money for a plane ticket back to Haiti, he took on the job of Colton’s nanny to help out Gentry when she had to return to work. Their relationship grew to friendship as they helped each other clarify what they wanted in their lives. It was Ian who stood behind her when she decided to try to locate Colton’s biological father. What kind of man will this biological man be if she finds him? Will he want in Colton’s life or not? What will she do when Ian leaves? Will he get the organization in Haiti going to honor his Father?


Review #2

When You Knew (The Cabots #3) audiobook streamming online

Another winning story from Ms. Beck. Story line flowed very well, as the final conclusion of Gentry and Ian did not feel dragged out but developed organically. Seeing Gentry \”grow up\” but still retain what makes her Gentry was satisfying. Enjoyed the weaving of the other Cabots into the main story line. That Jenna, though… 😉 As a father, I was gratified by the affirmation of importance of fathers in the lives of their children. Very hard to put the book down, but I have to sleep (some) and go to work! But I did put off some work events to finish the novel in two days. It will be a long time to October and the release of Ms. Beck\’s next novel.


Review #3

Audiobook When You Knew (The Cabots #3) by Jamie Beck

Heartfelt, adorable and sexy to boot! We are quickly drawn in to the story of a mom who\’s crying baby is grating on her nerves, then help arrives in the form of a sexy man who has the magic baby whisperer touch! The characters are both flawed in their thinking about themselves, but help each other to see another side that they didn\’t realize existed. I loved them together … and the added mix of another man coming back into the picture really gave them a run for their money! Good story!! Wild child Gentry Cabot has spent a lifetime living down to people\’s expectations for her. She\’s the black sheep of the family, the one no one thinks will amount to much, the one that will always bring the drama. A one-night stand leaves her with the unexpected blessing of a son who though he tries her patience and sanity, she adores. She has to get back to work soon or her family is going to use that against her too … but she has to find someone she trusts to leave Colton with! EMT and humanitarian worker Ian Crawford happens to be in Portland visiting his Mom before he heads back to Haiti to continue his life\’s dream of dedicating a training facility to his father in honor of his work helping ravaged countries. He finds himself needing some fast cash, so when Gentry offers him a temporary live-in nanny position, he can\’t really pass up a free place to live and cash in his pocket to fund his trip back to Haiti. Only trouble is, he starts to really enjoy this read-made family he\’s living in. She\’s a dream come true, that baby\’s a doll … but can he give up his dream for them? And when the baby\’s father re-enters the picture, what kind of wrench will that throw into the scenario?


Review #4

Audio When You Knew (The Cabots #3) narrated by Siiri Scott

I enjoyed Gentry\’s story. She\’s more complex than she was in the last book. She\’s growing up and making her own life, right or wrong. She always puts her son first and is determined to give him all that she never had growing up but always wanted. She is selfless and unselfish, much like Ian is. He is selfless and goodness helping people around the world. I like that together they show each other that their selflessness and sacrifice doesn\’t mean they have to be lonely.


Review #5

Free audio When You Knew (The Cabots #3) – in the audio player below

This was page turner. I have tried to read this series in order and its paying off. When I read the books I feel like it is just more family that you are acquainted with. \”When you knew\” keeps you guessing what she will do next as she is an unpredictable character. Good read. I recommend it.


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