15th Affair

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15th Affair

Review #1

15th Affair audiobook free

When it comes to pick and choose a book written by Patterson sometimes it’s a hit or miss. I thought this book was a great teaser. It’s the recent book in his, “Women’s Murder Club” series. Patterson has never been reluctant to bring change to the series or creating a mystery within a mystery.

Lindsay Boxer is now married to Joe and has a beautiful nine month old daughter named Julie. Lindsay has always been too involved in her work as a San Francisco police detective that now being married and having a child has brought some unconditionally love and happiness to her life. However, she sometimes has to remind herself that she has a family who needs should come first.

The story begins when she is called in with her partner, Detective Rich Conklin to four brutal murders at a downtown luxury hotel. One person is a chamber maid in a utility closet, a well known married man, Gregory Chen in a hotel room and two young people who were spying on the action in Chan’s room where there was also a gorgeous blond woman who seemed to vanish before the police got there. Once again Lindsay’s criminal investigation stretches across the world, but still finds it way to her front door. As the investigation gets off the ground Lindsay’s husband Joe who freelances for the government disappears. In the meantime the hotel security camera’s reveal Joe entering the hotel just before the murders.

Then another harrowing incident at the San Francisco Airport took prevalence over her investigation. A passenger plane with four hundred people on board explodes moments before it lands, nobody survives. Lindsay and her partner are sent to the crash sight which, is in between three schools, to help take children to a nearby medical place before they could be released to their parents. At some time Lindsay has a chance to see the passenger list and comes across the name Gregory Chan. Is it coincidental that two men have the same name and die on the same day…? The bodies from the plane were sent to four different morgues to check their identities. The first thing Lindsay and her partner did when they got back to the hotel murders investigation was try and find the other Gregory Chan…However, he has disappeared too….

As the story goes on Lindsay juggles her professional and parental responsibilities, not to mention her emotions. When she married Joe did she really know him…? When Lindsay links together the hotel murders, the plane crash, the gorgeous blond, and Joe’s disappearance for over a week, what would the outcome be…? Like I said the story is a teaser and intriguing.

Review #2

15th Affair audiobook Series Women’s Murder Club

I have read all fifteen of the Women’s Murder Club books, and I’m a fan of the series. I thought, however, that the last few books were not as good as the earlier ones, and I hoped that this one would be better. It is, but it’s still not up to par for the series. It starts with four murders in different rooms of a hotel, followed a few days later by a major plane crash of suspicious origin. All the evidence indicated that the same person–a man named Michael Chan–died in both events. That’s an intriguing premise, and it got my attention immediately. It played out in a way that was convoluted and not entirely believable, but it still held my interest. Unfortunately, too much time was spent on another related plotline in which Lindsay Boxer’s husband Joe disappeared and might in some way have been connected to the two crimes. In these books we are told over and over how much Lindsay loves Joe, but without proof, she was quick to suspect him of all kinds of evils–from infidelity to shootings to downing an airplane with 400 people on board. She had other suspicions in an earlier book, and it made me wonder about their ideal relationship. I also got a little tired of hearing how perfect her baby daughter Julie was. Of course, a mother loves her baby, but we don’t need to hear that in every chapter. The only really perfect person in the story was the babysitter Mrs. Rose, who lived across the hall, was available 24-7 any time Lindsay was called to duty, was willing to stay as long as she was needed and sleep on the couch, took outstanding care of Julie, walked the dog, and cooked delicious meals. How many have babysitters like that? I’m giving this book four stars because I did enjoy reading it, but it is not up to the standards established by the early books in the series.

Review #3

Audiobook 15th Affair by James Patterson

I enjoyed this book because there was lots of mystery, suspense and a thriller aspect. Parts of it were a bit like a soap opera; however, it had plenty of thrills, exciting twists and a number of turns. It grabbed my attention at the beginning and held it to the end. The ending……well, okay, the stopping point, was not a very satisfactory one for me. It left me wondering if there will be a follow-up in the next Women’s Murder Club story or is the reader just supposed to keep guessing!

The Women’s Murder Club’s usual jovial togetherness is almost non-existent in this story. 15th Affair is as much about Detective Lindsay Boxer’s personal life as it is solving crimes. She has crimes to solve, finding her missing husband, and being a mother all the while getting beat up by unknown assailants.

There are hotel murders to solve, and a mysterious plane crash that kills everyone aboard. Boxer and her partner are on stake-out to try to find clues to the unsolved murders. A surveillance camera catches the face of a passerby, and Boxer recognizes the face as that of her husband Joe. Another surveillance camera catches a picture of Joe and Boxer identifies a voice as that of her husband. Joe has been absent from home, and Boxer has no idea where he is or why. As the investigations speed up, there is another murder. Is Joe somehow involved?

There are so many questions, doubts, suspicions etc. mounting in Boxer’s mind. She is followed, beaten up and exhausted. She starts her search for Joe. What she learns is not what she was expecting, and it certainly was not what she wanted. There are things about Joe that she is having a very difficult time accepting.

Review #4

Audio 15th Affair narrated by January LaVoy

I have been reading this series for the past couple of months and the books content seems to be getting weaker and less believable.
All of the characters are great, which is the main reason I continue to read the books. However, how shorthanded are the SFPD when they have to call Lyndsey out practically EVERY evening and weekend? The “nanny” who is simply a neighbour must spend 18 hr days in Lyndsey’s house! Considering she wanted a baby so much she only sees Julie at bedtime. A bit unbelievable even for the most committed career cop.
Poor Joe he has no chance with this woman who is never prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt!
I think I will give this series a break for now. It is all becoming a bit “same old same old.”

Review #5

Free audio 15th Affair – in the audio player below

This is the weakest of the Women’s Murder Club stories I’ve read. The plot is all right and moves along at a fast pace but Lindsay Boxer’s trust in her husband, Joe, is tested yet again and again she is all too quick to condemn him. This does not ring true for her character because she is a very experienced police officer with considerable knowledge of the CIA and FBI. She knows how they work and how people within them work – or by now she should do. But in 15th Affair she comes over as having the emotions of a silly and inexperienced teenager and in the Epilogue behaves in a way that is lacking credibility and makes one wonder just how shallow a woman she is. I was disappointed with this story and hope that when the 16th comes out in March 2017 it is an improvement.

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