Psychic’s Spell (Legion of Angels #6) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Psychic’s Spell (Legion of Angels #6) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Psychic’s Spell (Legion of Angels #6) audiobook free
Wow! This book certainly had what I expect from Ella Summers and then some. Each book in the series gets better and better. This book had less of Nero and Leda on adventures together but it truly allowed us us as readers to see how much she has grown. Also this book gives us insight into how Leda\’s little family became a family. There is a focus on Leda\’s history that plays a major part in the story arc, so we get to learn what she is or have our suspicions confirmed. Getting to that point though…what the character endures to find out is – well something you should read. There is plenty of action in this book. I also liked the way that Leda and Nero\’so relationship has progressed and how open to each other the are. I can\’tell wait for the next book.
Review #2
Psychic’s Spell (Legion of Angels #6) audiobook streamming online
I had just been thinking about Leda and Nero the past month. My ebook addiction is so extreme that I could not remember which series it was and then it was there! So much happened in this episode. Leda has demonstrated her strength and wisdom time and again throughout these terrible trials. And the love between her and Nero is truly immortal. I was so glad to meet up with these old friends and their interesting and intriguing world again. Another company complete tale with fascinating characters and memorable scenes and action. I cannot wait to see what becomes of the light and dark of this divided world and the effect of the Guardians and Zane. I remain an avid fan!!!
Review #3
Audiobook Psychic’s Spell (Legion of Angels #6) by Ella Summers
A lot happens in this book and we finally get some answers! This book starts to unravel how Calli ended up with the children that she did and how none of them are exactly normal. My suspicion about Leda was confirmed. Leda is really put through the wringer in this one but stays strong and snarky as ever. Nero is his sexy self. Less adventuring together this time which makes sense as he is now 2nd in command. I am amused at watching Bella being romanced by her own angel. Former best friends picking sisters! As the books get farther along the stakes are become higher level and Leda cant fly under the radar anymore which leads to some very interesting encounters.
Review #4
Audio Psychic’s Spell (Legion of Angels #6) narrated by Cris Dukehart
Ella Summer\’s Legion of Angels series is in my top three finest within this genre. I find myself (almost embarrassingly) eagerly actively salivating for the next book as soon as I finish one. I love, love, love snarky yet appropriately mature Leda and sizzling hot and sexy Nero. Both have eminently believable dark sides to their natures that influence their actions and decisions. Very well written story that sucks the reader into total immersion into it, allowing the reader to effortlessly achieve a complete removal from reality. Loved the action in this book and the opportunity to learn so much about Leda and her three sisters. Fascinating! And yet so much mystery still remains to be explored in future books. Flawlessly done! Almost ALL other urban fantasy/paranormal stories pale in comparison to this series. I feel the wait for the next book is as interminable as a small child trying to hold on until Christmas! Highly, highly recommend this book!
Review #5
Free audio Psychic’s Spell (Legion of Angels #6) – in the audio player below
Leda decides to go back home for a small vacation. As usual, chaos follows wherever she goes, but this time its closer to home when her sisters are taken by a mixed group of mercenaries. Enlisting the help of her family and Jace, her biggest rival at the Legion, Leda attempts to find answers and is left with more questions. And when she does find her sisters, shes about to learn more than she ever expected about herself, and her role in the universe. Will it be more than she and Nero can handle together? This was an awesome, action-packed, information-loaded story! There were a few surprise twists that threw me for a doozie too. I think Psychics Spell was also the darkest of the series so far, but I am excited to see whats in store for Leda next!