Bag of Bones audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Bag of Bones audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Bag of Bones audiobook free
I have been a fan of Stephen King\’s books for quite a while and have to say that Bag of Bones is one of his best! Somehow, I missed reading it when it first came out, but am so glad to have purchased the audio version recently. I love to hear Stephen reading Stephen. He makes me feel as if I\’m sitting right in front of him, in his living room, listening to him spin his yarns just for me. I feel every flinch, hear every sound, as if I\’m right there in the story with him. Very Good book and a necessity for any Stephen King fan.
Review #2
Bag of Bones audiobook streamming online
Great writing, with a deeply moving storyline. Psychological terror as it progresses -I held my breath at times hoping the inevitable would not happen with people I cared about. Everything works here- the narration by Stephen King is amazing. Every once in awhile I come across a story that stays with me long after I read (listen) to it. In this case- if you don\’t listen- you will miss so much! I had listened to this one a long time ago, and for some reason failed to write a review. I re-listened last week, and enjoyed it just as much, if not more, the second time around. The ghosts are terrifying, the cabin is spooky, the lake scared me, and some of the people too. Pretty amazing for a story that starts out with a tragic and sad storyline. King can send chills up my spine with the most innocent of events, no gore or slashing required. Highly Recommended!
Review #3
Audiobook Bag of Bones by Stephen King
I used to not like Stephen King, but lately I\’ve gotten into some of his more character-driven works, and found that when he concentrates on the characters instead of the beasties, he\’s pretty darned good. Even with this new respect for him, I was surprised by the quality of this novel. Everything works in it, even King\’s reading of it. The book is sad through much of it, as you will guess from the first line, so don\’t listen hoping for a cheerful experience. But the characters are complex and the presentation of the local town where most of the story happens is observant and detailed, and King takes his time developing the mystery. He doesn\’t even introduce the mystery until far longer than you\’d think possible. Still, it will captivate you until he does, and throughout, and not just through the mystery, but through the character interactions and even the moral questions raised. This book has several layers of story, from the horror story to the romance to the backstory that is slowly developed. Through it all there is a mythical and psychological element to have you working out how much King meant to be metaphor, not just story. Excellent book. May just change your opinion of where Stephen King fits in the world of literature. This is the type of book that when you finish, you won\’t want to start another book for a while, because you won\’t want the taste to leave you.
Review #4
Audio Bag of Bones narrated by Stephen King
Without doubt Stephen King\’s best! I have listened to it three times since it came out and enjoy it more with each experience. This is perhaps his most \”autobiographical\” book as he uses the character of a popular fiction writer to express what might well be some of his own deep-seated fears in life. Although his narration obviously lacks the polish of some of the truly great narrators, his voice gives the story an amazing authenticity that draws you into Western Maine and the lives of his characters. And, of course, it terrifies with his best.
Review #5
Free audio Bag of Bones – in the audio player below
Bag of Bones is probably the most complete and satisfying Stephen King novel I have heard to date and the fact that it is read by the author is a big plus! Stephen King will be the first to tell you that he isn\’t a \”professional voice\” but as he happens to be the author of the book (duh!), his knowledge of the characters, not only what they say but also how they say it is, as they say, priceless. Bag of Bones is a ghost story, a love story, and a \”whodunit and why\” murder mystery all rolled into one. It is also a story that leaves the listener in doubt about the chosen sides of many of the characters right through to the end of the novel. Complemented by sound and music, with lyrics by the author, the audio version of this book (I have both read and listened to this one) is the far superior way to experience the story. Also, the audio version includes a terrific interview of the author by Eve Beglarian, who produced the audio version. This interview gives the listener an even deeper vision of the story as well as a glimpse into the life of the author and his whole hearted endorsement of audio books as a preferred medium for narrative.