Elven Blood

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Elven Blood audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Elven Blood audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Elven Blood audiobook free

I do believe that Sam has turned a corner in this book. She is still the chaotic imp we love, but she has started thinking more of others at times, not only herself. She also makes some difficult choices on whether or not she wants to take control of her own future instead of coasting and avoiding conflict because it is easier.

I will still admit to not warming up to Wyatt. I think that so far his actions could be seen as total support of Sam, but I don’t necessarily see him that way. I see him as more apathetic about her actions as a demon until he isn’t. In this novel, that is no longer the case. Suddenly, he is no longer letting things slide like he did before. I think the novelty has worn off, however, and he is now wondering if this is really the relationship he wants.

I’m excited to read the next novel. Now that Sam is growing as a character and she is interacting with the angels, things are going to be a lot more interesting.

Review #2

Elven Blood audiobook in series Imp Series

Once again, we’re taken on another breakneck-paced adventure with Sam, who is deep in the sh!t and just keeps sinking. The author just kept putting obstacle after insurmountable obstacle in Sam’s way, and I was seriously concerned for her. Which is great, because I was afraid Ms. Dunbar was going to turn Sam into some kind of bad@ss super-charged, suddenly-all-powerful demon. Not that Sam isn’t bad@ss, but she’s still making it by on guts, luck, and a little help from her friends.

Of course, I have a quibble. I always have a quibble. I find it very difficult to swallow that Wyatt knows Sam has killed, knows that she will kill again, knows that she will quite possibly accidentally or not-so-accidentally kill him at some point, but he keeps putting his morals aside for her. The author acknowledges this, but just keeps having Wyatt do it anyway. I found it kind of a stretch. In the second book, Sam kills and Owns a guy, who looks a lot like Wyatt, and he sees pictures of the guy and asks her about why the guy looks just like him. Then, the chapter just ends, and the story moves on, and Sam and Wyatt are fine. I would have really liked to have heard how Sam explained that, because she acknowledged to herself that it hadn’t satisfied her like killing and Owning a human usually does. It would have been a great place to expand on her growth as a being capable of love and given the author an opportunity to show us the workings of Wyatt’s mind a little more, so that his tolerance of Sam’s more violent behavior would be more believable. She actually has sex with her foster-brother, Dar, and Wyatt is just worried that she might be hurt, while he goes ballistic about her having non-corporeal angel-sex with Gregory. I said this about the first book, too–Wyatt’s character is just all over the place. And can I say right here, that I was sooooo disappointed that Wyatt wasn’t a real zombie hunter. I soooo wanted Sam to assume he was just talking about video games, when, in reality, Wyatt has a secret, double life, and he’s a bad@ss in his own right. That would have been awesome.

Okay, but all that aside, I STILL love Sam, and I want to see what happens to her, and I can’t wait to see what happens to the relationship between her and Gregory.

Review #3

Audiobook Elven Blood by Debra Dunbar

I like the series more and more with each book. Sam is awesome character – she is fun, sexy, so hilariously evil in a cute trickster sort of way, totally bad-ass. I love how unapologetic Dunbar wrote her. And she is becoming Good. This is such an entertaining thing – a demon with developing consciousness, sense of loyalty and devotion to her friends, and beginning of compassion.
The mystery in the book was nice, thought the twist was a bit forced, almost deus ex machina sort of resolution. But, as if has it potential for the future stories, it was forgivable.
I love the Big Romance, even if it a bit too slow burn for me. And I feel that the other guy (it is not really love triangle, I have to admit) sort of outlived his purpose. I understand he was there to teach Sam to love, care and express friendship, but his presence started to feel tired and anticlimactic.

Review #4

Audio Elven Blood narrated by Angela Rysk

Sam is on quite a few missions, she has reluctantly signed on to be of some assistance to several elves in return for a favor. The favor is supposed to be their aid in killing Haagenti, who has been making her earth life, as well as Wyatt’s, hell (haha). Demons come pretty much every other day to both her and Wyatt’s homes trying to kill them, so the situation is in desperate need of a final solution. Which is why Sam decides to help the elves.

One is the best parts of this book is how Sam is fumbling around in her new role as the Iblis. She now has to sit in on “board meetings” with the angelic council, and not only does she not really understand what they are talking about, she also doesn’t get along with certain members of the council. Well, just one member, and that would be Gabriel. The scene she had with him involving a danish, a coffee mug, and the boardroom table was hilarious. She may be the Iblis, but she’s still an imp in every way. I am also very curious as to what Gregory is going to request in regards to his favors. Sam currently owes him 3 (I think), and he hasn’t used one yet. He better make it good!

One thing I have to point out, as it was kind of distracting since it was a recurring thing, is the lack of commas. “I don’t know Wyatt” reads quite differently than “I don’t know, Wyatt”. It wouldn’t be a bothersome thing if it was only a random happening, but most of the book was like that. When you have to read something twice because it doesn’t make sense, that really takes you out of the story. Another distraction was the overuse of “xxx and I”. As an example, “The rain pelted down on Wyatt and I”. If you take Wyatt out of the equation, you are basically saying “The rain pelted down on I”, which doesn’t make sense.

Despite the errors, I like the story. I like the characters, some of them I absolutely adore. I just hope the next books in the series are as polished as the first two were, and this particular one is the “middle child” which may have just been overlooked.

Review #5

Free audio Elven Blood – in the audio player below

These books are fast becoming my new favourite urban fantasy series. They are escapism at its best and this third installment is no exception – a fun and surprisingly deep supernatural romp through Hel and the elf kingdoms, filled with romance, sizzling sex, mystery, action and surprises.

This book is more emotional than the first book with some touching moments in the ongoing Sam and Wyatt relationship. Their issues finally come to a head and there is a nice twist that threatens everything between them. Their relationship feels so real and is one of the best elements of these books. So often we read about characters in the first throes of infatuation but with Sam and Wyatt it’s real love between them.

Another aspect of these books I really enjoy is the fascinating angel and demon lore Dunbar has created. The depth of background detail and world building beyond the human world is amazing.

In this book, continuing the trend, Sam is becoming increasingly ‘good’ as she faces a feud with a higher demon as well as conflicts with the elves and the angels all whilst learning how to embrace her new role as the Iblis (Satan). With a newfound conscience she questions her morality and past behaviour and this makes for absorbing reading. However she does come off a tad self-pitying for a lot of the book but I didn’t mind this as I love a bit of soul searching.

Overall this is a great book filled with interesting and bizarrely loveable characters. There is so much humour, so much to surprise you and make you smile, that it is unlike any other urban fantasy I have read. It’s less challenging/disturbing than the first two and I can’t wait to start reading the next one.

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