It Starts with Us

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It Starts with Us Audiobook

Hi, are you looking for It Starts with Us audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

It Starts with Us audiobook free

I have been with Colleen since the beginning in January of 2012. I was a stay at home mom at that point in my life and had recently rediscovered my love of reading. I read the blurb of Slammed on Amazon and bought the book immediately. I fell in love with her writing, and from that point on, I was an instant fan. I found her on social media, I bought the sequel to Slammed, Hopeless, and everything since. I joined her fan groups on Facebook (Fellow CoHort and WEBLICH) because, I, like many others, wanted a place to express how much I love her writing and meet others who did as well. I was lucky enough to meet her at a book signing in 2014 (she was exactly how she describes herself to be, RBF and all, lol) The most beautiful thing about Colleen, is her ability to perfectly capture every human emotion. I know she says she isn’t emotional, so maybe this is why it’s so easy for her to write emotion so well.

I was in an abusive relationship for 10 years. Unlike Ryle, he showed his colors early on, however I related to Lily’s need to excuse his poor behavior, and believe he would change. The abuse rarely got physical, it was more verbal , gaslighting, and other forms of mental abuse. But, let me tell you, when it comes to physical abuse, once is too much. My ex’s family often excuses and defends his poor behavior. The fact that Lily had Alyssa and Marshall on her side, was so beautiful. I often think if my ex’s family would stand up to him and stop enabling him, maybe he too would have a chance to be a descent human being. However, my ex’s family is the reason he is such a broken man. Ryle had a great family, but had something extremely traumatic happen to him at a young age that unfortunately formed the person he became. It doesn’t excuse his behavior by any means, but I believe Ryle does have a chance to become a decent human being someday. Your support system is everything.

As I read this book, I thought if only I had an Atlas to show me how a man should treat a woman, maybe I would have not put up with the abuse for so long. Luckily, I found my Atlas, but AFTER my divorce. I at least know I will never put up with that kind of abuse ever again.

I know Colleen never intended to write this book, but I am so glad she did. I needed Lily and Atlas to get their happy ending. I needed to see that Lily, Atlas, and Emerson may live happily ever after, because life is so full of drama and complications, it feels good to read that sometimes, everything does work out. This book was everything you are looking for as a fan of It Ends With Us. I don’t think anyone needs a review to encourage them to buy this book, but I had to share my thoughts because it meant that much to me.

Review #2

It Starts with Us audiobook Series Shifters Unbound

The sequel to It Ends With Us I was hoping for and it exceeded my expectations! Lily’s strength of dealing with the internal war with her thoughts about past fears continuing in the present is valid and terrifying. Having to share custody of Emmy with her abuser kept her in a never ending cycle of fighting whether or not she could trust Ryle. Him gaslighting and making light of her pain and fear showed he hadn’t changed while also making her feel crazy for trying to keep her daughter safe.

Lily’s realizations and perspective of Ryle develops naturally overtime and she begins to not live in fear and stand up for herself. With the trepidation of retaliation and the unknown, her only concern is Emmy. Protecting her daughter, even from her own father.

Atlas’s perspective was everything I needed and more. His love, kindness, compassion, and patience towards everyone was extraordinary and I didn’t expect anything less. Learning about his past before he met Lily just made me fall even more in love with his character. The pain and loneliness seems unbearable. But, he never took it out on others and showed empathy towards people, even if they didn’t deserve it. The relationship Lily and Atlas start to rebuild made my heart full with joy and anticipation for their future.

“Yes, asking for a divorce hurt. Yes, I was heartbroken. But no, I don’t regret it. My choice helped me realize that sometimes the hardest decisions a person can make will most likely lead to the best outcomes.”

“‘We finally reached the shore’?” Theo says. “You actually said that to her? Out loud?” I shift uncomfortably on the couch. “We bonded over Finding Nemo when we were younger.” “You quoted a cartoon.” Theo’s head roll is dramatic. “And it didn’t work. It’s been over eight hours since you ran into her, and she still hasn’t texted you.”

“It takes a few seconds for what he says to register. When it does, I don’t smile. I swallow the lump in my throat, hoping he can’t see my internal reaction to that. It’s not the first time he’s mentioned I saved him back then, but every time he says it, I want to argue with him. I didn’t save him. All I did was fall in love with him. I can see why I fell in love with him.”

“I had fallen in love with her long before our first kiss, though. I loved her more than I had ever loved anyone before that moment. I think I loved her more than I’ve ever loved anyone after that moment. I think I still might.”

Review #3

Audiobook It Starts with Us by Cris Dukehart

I can’t put into words how much I loved this book, it’s exactly what I needed to read after It Ends With Us. I couldn’t put the book down and I was so so worried what could happen, we all know Colleen likes a plot twist!! Without giving any spoilers at all, it’s a beautiful story and Atlas is the ultimate book boyfriend. I love their relationship so so much and seeing things from Atlas’s point of view really opened up the story. Amazing book! 10/10 – I didn’t want it to end

Review #4

Audio It Starts with Us narrated by Cris Dukehart

After reading the first one- and I absolutely loved it- I just had to read this.
For me, this book wasn’t as intense , but I still enjoyed every page.
At first, I thought that this book wasn’t needed. The way the first one ended was enough to let the reader use their imagination as to what happened next for Lily Bloom.
However, this book did just make me fall in love with Altas a little bit more. I love that some of it was from his perspective and it gave another layer to their past and their characters.
I loved that new characters were added in as it gave a new, fresh storyline so it didn’t feel repetitive.
I had some heart in mouth moments regarding Ryle and how he was going to react. I felt Lily’s fear through the book which kept me on edge.
I adored Atlas’s letter to Lily and the ending was perfect.
For me, it was wonderfully written and provided a closure from the first one.

Review #5

Free audio It Starts with Us – in the audio player below

Having read book one a few days ago i had to see what book 2 had to offer and i am so glad i did. For me personally there were some triggers in book one. But seeing book 2 started exactly where book one ended it added so much more to Atlas and Lily’s story.

I wasn’t sure if they were going to make it or not, would Lily go back to Ryle for the sake of Rylee. Could Ryle change. Or was Lily’s first love the real soulmate she wanted

I really enjoyed seeing Atlas’s side of memories from when him and Lily first met. Learning how he had dealt with life. At times Lily is finding it tough looking after Rylee on her own despite having support sometimes its nice to just get a good nights sleep. I laughed at some bits in this. There are a couple if twists which i felt added to the story well.

I loved this one better than book one, if you read snd enjoyed the first book then definitely grab yourself a copy of this, curl up in a comfy chair and lose yourself in the story.

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