Rose Madder audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Rose Madder audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Rose Madder audiobook free
If you like King you will probably find much to enjoy with this one. My only complaint is really just a quibble. This recording has bumper music to separate various sections of the book. The music is at times very creepy which is very cool. Occasionally the music is too loud as it plays over the narration. Any overall very enjoyable.
Review #2
Rose Madder audiobook streamming online
SCREECHING SOUND EFFECTS. I have listed to more audiobooks than I can count, and I have never heard one with such awful audio quality. Not only do the screeching sounds effects and music overlay the narrators, but they are so jarring I found myself having to rewind to figure out what just happened. Moreover, Stephen King does the voice of the antagonist, and for all of King\’s considerable skills, he is NOT a narrator. I also hate saying all this because Blair Brown is a skilled orator and does not deserve to have her name associated with this. I strongly suggest reading the dead-tree edition of this. The story itself is a theme that King writes about very well: abused women. I found protagonist, Rose, to be sympathetic and interesting in the beginning, but a bit weird (the painting) as the story went on. Her husband, the antagonist, is a sadistic psychopath. In the hands of any other writer, I would not have been able to suspend disbelief over his character, but somehow King, as usual, makes it work. Solid novel, TERRIBLE audio.
Review #3
Audiobook Rose Madder by Stephen King
This is an excellent book made even better by Brown\’s excellent performance interspersed with King reading Norman\’s parts. The ONLY thing about this recording that I have any complaints about, is the music that occasionally barges in. Music can certainly enhance the story when done well but in this case it\’s too loud, jarring, and distracting, pulling you out of the story instead of wrapping you up in it. A small complaint, but a justified one. Luckily the excellent story and wonderful performance of the narrator makes it easy to overlook this small fault.
Review #4
Audio Rose Madder narrated by Blair Brown
Wow great villain, great characters, great story. A bit long at the end but minor issue. The story was so worth it. I\’d recommend this book to everyone. (Unless you can\’t handle the King that is)
Review #5
Free audio Rose Madder – in the audio player below
From Page 1, he brought me into the story. Having experienced some of the things that the main character had, with domestic violence, the book was riveting and emotional for me. Sometimes it was difficult. I was ALL in. Fantastic!!!