Some Golden Harbor

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Some Golden Harbor audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Some Golden Harbor audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Some Golden Harbor audiobook free

Some Golden Harbor is the fifth novel of the Leary, series, following The Way to Glory. In this volume Leary has fallen from grace, so to speak, in that his chief admirer with the Admiralty has had a heart attack and retired. The successor is not a big fan of Leary and would prefer to keep Leary as far away as possible with as little chance of glory as possible.
The first portion of the book is a Leadership 101 course. Leary doing everything a good leader should; the “higher ups” not so much.
While this novel isn’t chocked full of action it is important in my opinion to the overall story.
If I were the Commandant of one of the military Academies, this would be required reading, including:
-Each cadet listing each incidence of leadership along with an explanation of why it was a good practice or not, with the cadet’s reasoning.
-I would have this course taken twice, once at the beginning of the program and again at the end to see what has changed in the cadet’s reasoning.
As far as I know the author has not had any formal leadership training. To me it is amazing how much he learned being at the bottom of the mierda pile.
I highly recommend it to fans of David Drake and the RCN series and to anyone interested in leadership.

Review #2

Some Golden Harbor audiobook in series RCN Series

The plot of the series is one that I learned of by finding the first book in a trading book store, then another. I found this military space theme with two main characters such a unique idea that I bought the rest of the series and put in an order for the next one coming out. The only reason of the four stars is for the fact that the book itself had a problem with the spine coming apart and I will have to glue it back.

Review #3

Audiobook Some Golden Harbor by David Drake

Up to this point, Leary’s exploits are not recognized by promotion or complex assignments. That changed after the last book, but he owes Mundy and his crew for the victories. Especially the late Midshipman Dorst, and Leary acts as a caring commander in going to see his family. It is good for all; maybe the young man is maturing.
Princess Cecile, sold to the shipyard, has been overhauled and staffed by old hands. On this mission, to Dunbar, Leary’s crew must be devious and resourceful to quell civil disturbance. I enjoyed the the spacers’ efforts in the role of Marines. There is plenty of action for Hogg and Tovera. Drake showcases the effect of ‘soft power’ to avoid creating more dissension among allies. Here again, they achieve victory through deception.

This is the fourth in David Drake’s Lieutenant Leary series. After reading the first book (With the Lightnings) I became hooked and look forward to subsequent follow-ups as Drake churns them out.

Each book so far has followed the same formula: the protagonists are on a planet doing stuff and there is minor violence. Leary goes on a mission in a spacecraft with the same old crew and his “special friend” Adele, who is a spy, a whiz with computers and also a dead shot with a pistol. There are raids on shore and the finales involve battles in space with missiles, etc.

(Readers familiar with Patrick O’Brien’s “Master and Commander” series may note an eerie resemblance even though his books are set around 1800 and involve a frigate in the British navy.)

Maybe not in the league of, say, Larry Niven, the Leary books are a fine read — good characters and lots of action.

Review #4

Audio Some Golden Harbor narrated by David Drake

Good story in the series. Worth the read
One annoying flaw in kindle edition. Shifts from one scenario to another is without subheading, sometimes without paragraph break. When you are reading an action novel context is everything. If I have to backup and reread due to a subject shift. Not good

Drake writes about battle with the experience of one who has lived it. Here again he has placed the blood and grit into the perspective of those who have placed their lives at risk on the orders of people who don’t have a firm knowledge of the situation and the true risk involved. Excitement and adventure are balanced with sheer terror and death. Military Sci-Fi fans cannot find a better example of the genre the writing of David Drake.

As usual the Alliance is the big bully on the block. I must say the writing is crisp and the characters are engaging and growing. As this is book five, although D. Drake has written these so they may be read out of order the are better roughly in order. I must say I have also purchased the as whisper sync, Audible narrated audio books and they are excelent in that format as well and make long trips more enjoyable. Anyway this is to David Drakes usual standard.

The delivery and packaging by Amazon was fine. The quality of the book was acceptable/good as I found a pressed flower and the corpse of a millipede within its pages. There were a few pages that had a very small number of brownish spots. So I was slightly disappointed in the final quality level.

Review #5

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    Lt. Leary, Commanding

    The Way to Glory


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