The Tragedy of Heterosexuality

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Review #1

Look — you should buy this book. If you were interested enough to get here, you have something to gain from reading it, and it is a well-researched, artfully written commentary on the power struggle that makes coupling problematic. That said — I remain unconvinced that the majority of the issues she finds with heterosexuality are not present in queer couplehood. Just because partners are of the same gender — does not mean there can not be an imbalance of power, and dare I say it — abuse. The writer admits her findings don’t apply to “all” heterosexual relationships, and that not all queer ones are immune to these issues, but I think the reality is a lot closer than that.

Read the book, digest it, discuss it (I’ve been doing that a lot, which means it did its job!) and maybe you’ll feel like me and maybe you won’t. Either way you’ll come out of the experience more informed, and with more to think about.

Review #2

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