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Reacher has liked it the hard way because the man does not know any other way to deal with the problems in his life. The new thing is told about Jack by Lee Child, he is now working as a hired investigator and hitman too. In the past, we have seen Jack as a man who does not need money or any other luxury in life.

He does not possess any definite aim as well; sometimes when he sees people in trouble he helps them free of cost. Here Edward Lane has hired Jack to track down his family which is abducted by an unknown source. Edward Lane himself is not a nice man at all but this time he is trapped because of which he is paying a one million dollar ransom to the abductor.

THE HARD WAY audiobook free

He has ordered Jack to follow the car which has the ransom amount to reach and save his family. For Jack who has not performed such a job in Persuader and One Shot, this is hard to digest but going back on words is not his style. During this chase, he gets to know more about Edward Lane who is paying him for this mission. Jack plans to save the child and his mother first before turning to Lane’s issue.

Narration by Dick Hill has brought in many changes. The mission is not personal or patriotic that’s why the narration is not so intense in tone also investigation takes more time as compared to the action scenes. Dramatic changes in the plot or revelation of the gigantic secret was not present in this tenth episode.

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